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I tried to move away from his embrace and looked at him pleading. “Blake you have already told me in many different ways that you are interested in Maria and I saw it with my own eyes and now I am sure she is the one who you should be with. I think I am done with this marriage I am moving out of this house and out of your life please let me go. “You are a reckless woman, my dear little wife. I had long suspected but now I'm certain that you have played me for a fool. I should thank Hart, he showed me your true light. A beautiful and scrupulous woman. “ As he spoke his hand moved and caressed my face and neck lingering in the open neckline off my shirt even now making me tremble with longing for him and I was feeling bit betrayed of my own body of which I was sure he was fully aware. As I opened my mouth to protest, with a groan, part anger, part passion, his mouth descended with urgent insistence on my own, forcing my lips to part, to receive his kiss my own response to his passion was something which I couldn’t  control.   I pushed him with force but due to the weakness in my body I was not a good match for his strength.  “Don't even think about it Lara I'm not done with you yet.” He said fiercely. Did I hear hatred in his voice. I could not tell but I knew that his opinion of me had not altered except for the word and my opinion for him was worse. I struggled hard to get up but I was forced back again into the bed. “Your lover did not manage to satisfy you on this occasion. Well do not worry Lara I mean to satisfy you. You will not be able to complain about my lack of passion. “He mocked at me. I began to struggle; my fists were beating his naked chest but his kisses become more demanding my struggle was a failure as I was  dazed because of the effect of the brandy. As he removed the last of my clothes, I give myself totally to him. Without thinking about the future conscious only of his demanding nearness of the strength of his body and the weakness of my own. Now I hated him to the core of my heart. I woke in the darkness feeling drowsy but as my memory returned, I urgently turned and saw Bake was staring with his mocking gaze “You look surprised were you perhaps dreaming of your American lover and expecting to find him. I am sorry to disappoint you.” he added harshly. “But I intend to make this a night for you to remember Lara when you are with your lover you will think of me and of this night together."
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