The Defiant Luna

The Defiant Luna


After Jay-la returns to her home pack, she finds herself conflicted about being Mated to the Alpha of the pack, seduced by her own wolf into claiming him, Nathan is a man she loves but hates at the same time, for banishing her all those years ago. She believes he has only brought her home because his wolf wants his Mate, and that Nathan himself only wants her in his pack for his children and heirs to be with him.

Can she ever really believe that he wants and loves her, or is it simply his wolfs desire to claim his Mate that has brought them together.

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Jay-la POV Jay-la slammed the door to the Luna’s office, banged it shut as hard as she could, and heard it rattle in its frame with satisfaction. Nathan was now such an arrogant man, she didn’t recall him being like that once. It seemed he always had to get his own way now. She was sorely tempted to stalk right out of this office, right out of the pack-house and get on the first flight back to L.A., to go and close out her human world profile, in person. She prowled around in the office that was apparently now hers, glaring at everything, she wanted to toss just about everything in this bloody office, onto the floor and kick it around. She was still standing in the middle of the room half an hour later, had yet to pick up the stupid phone and do as he bade her. Why the hell should she? Just because he was her mate and the Alpha. She really just wanted to go back to L.A. and do it herself. Coming here had not been her choice. No, she'd been brought here and yes, she understood why now, but she was still more than pissed off about it. About how it had come about. Jay-la realized the only thing stopping her, from right this very minute, stalking out of this packhouse and away from him, and his arrogance, was the very fact that she was actually snowed in. Kora, she knew was against it, but also hadn’t liked his ‘you’ll do as I say’ attitude, would likely let her this very moment, just to show him they were not about to just sit, and roll over at his every command. It had started snowing again during the day, and was still snowing right now. She turned and looked out the window, it didn’t look like it was going to let up anytime soon. She might love that arrogant asshole in the next room, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be angry with him, or tell him no. Being Marked and Mated by him did not mean she had to do everything he told her to do. She had a mind of her own, and knew how to use it. She was not about to become some bloody doormat to him, or his wolf. Just because they wanted her to fall in line, and sit and stay, and do what he told them to. Not bloody likely. Finally, she sat down in the Luna’s chair, which was apparently hers now, sat behind a large wooden desk, and looked around at the Luna’s office. Not much had changed since she left. She was going to gut this office, was not going to work from a place his previous Mate had used. She might even look at moving herself, and the Luna’s office to a whole other floor, at the other end of the bloody pack-house; for that matter. There was the standard furniture of an office in here, a desk and chair, which she noticed was not at all comfortable. It was nothing like the one she had in her office. She stood up and stalked around the room once more, did not, she realized, want to be in this room at all. Jay-la banged out the door to the office into the packhouse foyer and nearly ran right into Luna Darla, she smiled right at Jay-la, “Hi Sweetie," then she frowned right at her a moment later, and reached out a hand and touched her arm. “What did he do now?” “Nothing.” Jay-la muttered “I can’t work in that office, is all.” She admitted. Wanted nothing to do with anything of his ex-mate's. She saw Luna Darla really frown now, as she looked up at her, “What is wrong with my office? Or our office until you undertake your Luna training.” “It was her office,” Jay-la muttered and walked away. “No, it wasn’t Jay-la. Never.” Luna Darla fell into step with her as she spoke. “That girl wouldn’t set foot in there or take Luna lessons at all. That is my office, it is all me.” Jay-la sighed, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend you.” “Hmm, well Jay-la sweetie, we can redecorate it however you want to.” She smiled up at her, “We could look at stuff today, if you like?” “Maybe,” Jay-la nodded, “I might just need a few minutes to calm down.” “Why do you need to calm down? Talk to me. It’s what I’m good at, you know. Being the former Luna, I listen and help people.” “He, your son. Thinks it’s so easy to just close out my life, a few phone calls and it’ll be all good. It’s not going to be that simple.” “Hmm, you’re boss, you're talking about, Eric Stanton, I believe.” “Yes, Eric will never believe I’ve suddenly, at the drop of a hat, decided to stay here of my own free will. Not after everything that happened the last time I was here, and the way I fought to stay away.” “Probably not.” Darla nodded. “I need to go back to L.A. and sort that out, in person.” Jay-la sighed, wanted to go, and go on her own. But Nathan had already told her if she wanted to do it in person. He would be standing right there next to her. She’d not be going alone, he simply wasn’t going to allow that. “Well, you can do that, I’m sure.” “Not without Nathan going, apparently.” Jay-la muttered, a little more than annoyed about it. Her life over the past six years had been simple enough; work and being home with the children. “Ah! Well, now I see your dilemma. You are right. His beast is a bit of a terror sometimes, and can be completely uncontrollable as well. I don’t think it will just be Nathan, you’ll have to contend with on that one. Havoc will be putting his Alpha Wolf needs in as well.” Luna Darla looked at her a little on the apologetic side. Jay-la stopped walking and stared at the woman now. “What do you mean, his wolf is a terror?" She watched as Darla shook her head. “He can lose control sometimes. Though I doubt that will happen now, with you and Kora here. His beast does seem very calm to me, happy. I definitely sense his beast is happy. First time in a long time since I sense that.” “His wolf was not like that before? When I was here, he was quite playful at times. Could definitely be firm and all Alpha Wolf, but never a terror.” “No, he wasn’t.” Darla nodded “Got hurt by his previous Mate. Did not handle it well is all.” “Darla, do I need to be concerned about this?” she asked outright. She had three children to think about. If his wolf was a terror, then they might not be safe around his beast. “No, no, no… He would never hurt you or the children.” Darla hurried out, “just as you would never hurt him.” Jay-la nodded at that, she would never hurt Nathan intentionally, and she knew there was no way Kora would hurt Havoc. She loved her Mate from the moment she scented him out. Was also more than happy to be back here inside the pack, even happier to find her Mate was the father of her pups. Purred quietly to herself about that fact. It was likely, she was going to have to sit down and talk to Nathan, about his wolf. Get him to explain this to her. She did not want Havoc being a terror around the children, or uncontrollable either. She didn’t want them to be afraid of him. That would not be a good thing. Jay-la felt Kora huff inside her, annoyed with her line of thought, she didn’t want Jay-la thinking anything bad about her mate. But they didn’t know him anymore, it had been six years since they’d been banished, and from what she’d heard, he didn’t appear to be the same wolf he had been once. ‘Havoc, loving and good. A strong Alpha is all.’ Kora huffed at her. ‘I know you feel that way, love him. But it’s been a long time, we don’t really know him anymore.’ ‘Is my Mate, father to our pups, he would never hurt them. I trust him.’ Jay-la sighed and excused herself from the Luna, to go and check on the triplets. She knew that they were upstairs with Rae-Rae. Nathan had asked her to come to his office, and she’d asked Rae-Rae to watch them. They found the four of them playing Go Fish, sat down on the ground and smiled at them, joined in on the next game herself. It was nice to just sit and hang out. She had put off making those calls, knew that it was going to have to be something she did, but wasn’t going to do it at his whim. Would do it when she was ready. Rae-Rae took a call from her mother, Lauren, who wanted to know how she was doing? Rae-Rae talked all excitedly about the mansion they were staying in, and then groaned annoyingly “Yes mum, I have not just a room to myself, but a whole suite to myself.” Jay-la smiled, she didn’t know how long it would stay her own room, probably not long. Though Rae-Rae still had no idea about the wolfen world and was going to have to be introduced to it, bit by bit, over the next few weeks. Likely spend a solid week with no wolf sightings at all and then let her see one or two of them. Though she knew Lauren was aware that there were wolves out here, Nathan had told her as much. Jay-la got to speak with Lauren herself, told her that yes she was feeling better, had recovered from her break down at hearing her mother had been attacked and nearly died. She also told her that her mother was awake and recovering just fine, quickly at that. Rae-Rae confirmed that. Having seen Jay-la’s mother herself. The triplets also talked to Lauren. Both the girls smiled at her through the video chat and even told her their daddy was nice. Nate, however, didn’t say much on the subject, just said he had a room of his own, and so did both Rosalie and Lilly. He had yet to really go near his father, had walked around him, and away from him at breakfast, hadn’t said morning back to him when Nathan had smiled at him and said, ‘good morning.’ Nathan had tried to talk to him, and gotten nothing from Nate. Had looked to her for help on the matter, she’d thought. She’d not given it, he’d yet to answer Nate’s questions about where he’d been. Until he did, it was unlikely, she thought, that the boy would talk to him at all. Jay-la understood both their positions; her son wanted to know where his father had been all his life? Why he’d not been around? Nathan couldn’t really answer that without causing more damage. He’d banished her from the pack. That was the reason he’d never known about them. He wasn’t going to be able to state that she’d never told him about them for no reason, because if he told them, it was her fault. She would tell them he’d banished her before she knew she was pregnant. A vicious circle he would find himself in, and he probably understood that. Though he hadn’t mentioned it himself. Nathan was finding himself to be in a bit more of a bind, at the moment. Whichever way he jumped, he still had to own up to it, being the one who sent her away, and telling her never to come back. Not a nice thing for the children to hear, even if it was the truth. Jay-la also believed he would be trying to avoid doing that, where it was possible. So he was going to have to come up with something plausible that wouldn't see him as a cruel, mean man, in the triplets' eyes. She was currently leaving that all up to him. Jay-la didn’t know what she would have done if he’d not banished her. Would she have told him? She honestly didn’t know, with him having a Mate! Did know she would still have lived on campus. Though it was likely she would have told her parents. But no one knew what would have happened, it was the game of 'what if' and that never ended well for anyone. Though she probably would have ended up staying away, she knew the fear of his Mate, and the safety of her children, would still have been there; likely worse if the woman knew of them. She may well have ended up in her mother’s old pack. It was likely, even her parents would have known that his Mate, and the future Luna would have taken issue with him having pups to someone else. A part of her, deep down inside, knew they would never have been safe here. Didn’t think her parents would have thought they would be either. She sighed to herself and pushed those thoughts away. She didn’t want to go down that road, she still had yet to deal with them over what they had both allowed to happen. Just to get her to come back to the pack, she was still unhappy about it. That they could agree to something like that, it had broken her, and she knew it; that she couldn’t be here to see her mother when she was dying. Her own grief had brought her completely undone. Right this minute she was just giving them leeway on the matter. Due to having to deal with Nathan and their new Mate Bond, the children and settling them in, or trying to. She had other issues to deal with. But they both knew it was coming. They hadn’t liked her tone the last time she’d spoken to them. Stated flatly “I’m not ready to deal with you yet.” When she’d gotten up today.

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