Chapter 15 - Trapped

2727 Words

--- Trigger warning: Attempted rape --- Cassie and Leila were dragged through dark and damp halls with no windows, spread out like a labyrinth, and Cassie wondered if they were in some sort of underground bunker. She memorized the path they were walking and noticed that even though it was massive, only a handful of people were around. The guard pulled her arm roughly when she started dragging her feet to have more time to look everything over, and she hissed in pain but didn’t say anything. Leila, however, was cursing the guys with every swear word she knew, and the two guys holding her had to use all their strength to keep her subdued. “What do you want to do with the she-wolf?” the guy holding Cassie asked Hector. “I think we have to come up with something to knock her down a peg or

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