Chapter 13 - Crash

2515 Words

A throbbing headache was the first thing Cassie noticed as she regained consciousness. The second thing she noticed was the soft sound of an engine, and the vibrations in her seat, telling her that she was in a car. She raised her head, cursing her stiff neck, and noticed that her hands were chained behind her back when she tried raising them to rub her neck. “Just think of the handcuffs as a precaution,” Joshua said, and she looked at him sitting to the left of her. He was on his phone, scrolling through something, and didn’t even bother to glance in her direction. “Precaution so I don’t break your nose again?” Cassie growled groggily, her consciousness not fully back. “That and so you wouldn’t wake up swinging,” Joshua shrugged, still with his eyes on the phone. Cassie rolled her eye

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