Chapter 8 - Something's off about her

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Joshua watched Cassie from a distance as she served all kinds of drinks to people, and she had almost caught him staring a few times, but he managed to avert his gaze just in time. He knew he should be focused on his job, and staring at her might seem stalkerish, but he was having a hard time ignoring her presence. For the last three days, they had spent time in every bar in town, trying to find some leads or something that could point them in the right direction, but so far, they were turning up empty.  “I guess that’s the girl?” Tommy commented once he noticed him staring. “Yeah,” Joshua admitted. “Damn! How did you manage to get her to sleep with you?” Russell joked and nudged his side. “Let’s just focus on what we came here to do,” Joshua replied. “Agreed, and I might have something,” Leila suggested as she finally joined them with a whiskey bottle in hand and four glasses. “Did you overhear something at the bar?” Russell asked. “I did, and we might have just gotten lucky,” Leila assured them, “A guy was accusing one of the bartenders of stealing from him, and the interesting part is that he claimed that the money was stolen out of his wallet.” “Just like the other ones,” Tommy stated. “Which bartender?” Joshua asked calmly. “The redhead,” Leila answered as she poured herself a glass and looked around, surprised as everyone became silent. “What?” she asked, confused. “Did she confess?” Joshua asked sternly. “Well, no,” Leila admitted, “But she’s human, so one talk with her should…-“ “Absolutely not!” Joshua ordered, making Leila jump. “But we finally got a lead!” Leila argued. “And we’re going to wait and assess the situation before doing anything rash,” Joshua insisted, “I’m going to the bathroom, do not approach her.” “Alright, what was that about?” Leila asked, annoyed once Joshua was gone. “The girl you were referring to is the girl Joshua slept with a few nights ago,” Russell explained. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Leila groaned, “That’s her?” “The one and the same,” Tommy nodded. “And does nobody but I think it's strange how smitten he is with somebody that isn’t his mate?” Leila asked. “He probably has just a small crush,” Russell shrugged. “And that means he’s going to look past the best lead we’ve got for weeks?” Leila argued, and the boys stayed silent. “I’ll admit that he seems a bit distracted,” Tommy agreed. “I’m telling you guys, there’s something not right about that girl,” Leila stated as she looked at the redhead at the bar, “And I’m going to figure it out.” “Joshua gave you an order,” Russell warned as Leila stood up. “What?” she shrugged, “I’m just going to get more to drink.” “This is going to be a disaster,” Russell groaned as Leila headed for the bar. “Should we stop her?” Tommy asked. “You think we can?” “Probably not.” “Although I do agree with a lot of what she said,” Tommy nodded, “You think that girl is involved?” “I hope not,” Russell sighed. --- The bar was packed, and there was barely enough time to breathe, let alone take a five-minute break. Thankfully, Cassie and Tabita worked well together, and they worked like a well-oiled machine, and finally, the crowd started thinning a bit as most headed to the dancefloor as a popular song got on. “It still amazes me how you can run around in those heels,” Cassie sighed as she grabbed herself a glass of water. “Years of practice,” Tabitha chirped and gave her a wink, “Do you mind if I run to the bathroom real quick? I really need to go.” “Of course, go. I can handle things here,” Cassie agreed. “You’re a lifesaver,” Tabitha sighed in relief, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and went towards the staff kitchen. Cassie served a few people when she met eyes with the she-wolf from before. “Hi,” the wolf said with a soft smile. “What can I get you?” Cassie asked. “I’m not sure,” the girl answered and glanced over the alcohol bottles on the wall, “I feel like I should try something different from whiskey.” “Anything specific?” “Why don’t you surprise me?” the girl replied as she leaned forward on the table with a gentle smile on her face, but it felt like her eyes were examining every hair on her body. Cassie ignored her stare as she took out a few bottles, mixed a sweet but refreshing drink, and handed it over to her after charging her. “That’s a bit sweeter than what I’m used to, but it’s nice,” the girl chuckled. “Glad you like it,” Cassie nodded but also noticed the girl had only taken one sip of her drink. Cassie continued serving other customers, and out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed that the she-wolf was carefully examining her movements. It made her a bit self-conscious, and there was also something about her stare that made Cassie’s hair stand on edge. “I’m sorry for staring,” the girl eventually giggled when Cassie caught her staring for the third time, “There’s just something about you that seems familiar.” “Well, I was working when you came here a few nights ago,” Cassie shrugged as she finished serving a couple of beers and walked over to the she-wolf. “You remember me?” the girl asked, surprised. “Well, I did spill drink all over your friend, so that does stick with me,” Cassie chuckled. “Ah, that’s right,” the girl nodded, “I’m sure that wasn’t a fun experience for you.” “It’s never fun to think your job is on the line,” Cassie nodded and hoped for someone to come order a drink so she could end the conversation, but luck wasn’t with her tonight. “Don’t worry, Joshua would never have someone fired for an honest mistake,” the she-wolf stated.  “That’s good to hear,” Cassie replied, keeping her answers short so the girl would take a hint and leave, but she just gave her a bigger smile. “I have to ask, and I’m sorry for prying, but what was the argument about earlier?”  “What argument?” Cassie asked, a bit taken aback by the question. “There was a guy that came up to the bar earlier. He was talking about someone stealing his money, I think.” Cassie could feel alarm bells go off in her mind as a tiny voice told her that the wolf was not just asking out of curiosity. She was fishing for information, and something in her voice made Cassie want to tell her everything she wanted to know. Thankfully, she was half-witch, and although she didn’t use her powers much, she did know how to use them to guard herself. “I’m sorry, I can’t talk about confidential matters,” Cassie said sternly, and the she-wolf's eyes widened and her mouth opened in surprise, but before she could say something, Cassie could feel immense pressure in the air, and the sweet smell of her mate hit her nose. Judging by the tension in the air, he was mad, and Cassie noticed the she-wolf cowering a bit as he walked over to her. By the glare he was giving and the change in facial expressions on her, it was evident they were talking through their mindlinks, but it looked like an intense staring contest to an outsider.  The girl’s jaw tensed, but she eventually looked down respectively, turned around, and walked back towards their booth. “I’m sorry if my friend was bothering you,” Joshua apologized. “It wasn’t a bother,” Cassie lied as she tried to ignore the growing excitement in her stomach that her mate was in front of her. “I missed you when I woke up,” Joshua commented, his change in demeanor shifting completely, and he leaned a little forward on the bar. “I’m not really a “stay the night” kind of girl,” Cassie shrugged. “I had that feeling when I met you,” Joshua chuckled, “But I’m still going to ask you if you’d like to go out with me?” “Like on a date?” Cassie asked with a raised brow, feeling a pit in her stomach forming as she hoped he wasn’t developing feelings for her. “Date-ish,” Joshua shrugged, “I’m not going to lie, I’m only in town for a few days or weeks, so this is mostly because I like your company and want to spend more time with you.” “So, a date with no strings attached?” Cassie smirked, and she had to admit she was excited at the idea of another mind-blowing night with him. “Exactly,” Joshua nodded. “I do admit that I’d like to pick up where we left things the other night,” Cassie smirked as she leaned forward on the bar, so their faces were only inches apart. She could smell his scent mixed with a nice cologne, and a part of her wanted to grab his collar and pull him in for a passionate kiss, but she held her ground. “So, is that a yes?” Joshua whispered and nibbled his lip a little as his eyes traveled from her eyes to her lips. “I’m sorry, but I’m busy working,” Cassie smirked and leaned back to go serve a couple that was waiting. “You are a stubborn one, aren’t you?” he chuckled as she took the order. “What can I say? I don’t drink from the same cup twice, then there’s no risk of some misunderstanding,” Cassie stated as she finished serving the couple. “Weren’t you just saying that you’d like to continue what we were doing that night?” Joshua smiled. “I did, and I’d love to, but I have rules,” Cassie shrugged. “You have rules about dating?” “More like I have a no-date rule.” “I already told you, it isn’t a date.” “It sounds like a date.” “Just give me one chance,” Joshua suggested, “Are you free tomorrow night?” “Sorry, working,” Cassie shrugged. “Why do I have the feeling that you’re going to be working every time I ask?” Joshua groaned. “What can I say? I’m a busy woman,” Cassie smirked. “Don’t worry, I’ll take your shift tomorrow,” Tabitha suggested suddenly as she walked towards them. “Wait, what?” Cassie blurted. “That’s great, so I’ll see you at eight outside the restaurant across from my hotel,” Joshua gleamed.  “Wait, I didn’t agree with-, “ Cassie muttered, but Joshua had already turned on his heel and was walking to his booth. “How long were you listening?” Cassie sighed as Tabitha gave her an innocent smile. “Just long enough to know that you were going to make a huge mistake,” she shrugged. “I don’t go for seconds. You should know that about me already,” Cassie groaned. “I do, and I respect that,” Tabitha reassured her, “But I also know that you haven’t stopped thinking about that guy these past days, and I thought you should give him a chance.” “What, to date?” Cassie scoffed. “I’m not saying that,” Tabitha moaned, “I know you want to see him again, and I’m just afraid your stubbornness might stand in the way when you might finally find someone that’s perfect for you.” “If you only knew,” Cassie muttered under her breath. “So, are you going to do it?” Tabitha asked, excited. “I’ll think about it,” Cassie groaned, “But I’m still mad at you.” “I’ll live,” Tabitha giggled, and they continued working. --- “You look cheerful,” Russell stated as Joshua sat down in their booth. “Got a date tomorrow night,” Joshua smiled. “Isn’t that a bit too soon?” Leila protested. “What is that supposed to mean?” Joshua asked. “She’s a suspect!” Leila snapped, “And I don’t understand how you can look past that!” "It's not for you to understand," Joshua growled. "Don't you see how you're acting over a girl you just met?!" “I think you and Tommy should go to the next bar on the list and check things out,” Joshua stated with annoyance in his voice, ignoring her statement. “You know what, fine!” Leila snapped and stormed out. “Leila, wait!” Tommy called after her and ran after her to catch up. “He’s such an i***t!” Leila shouted once they got out of the bar. “He did tell you to stay away from her,” Tommy mumbled as they started walking in the direction of the next bar on the list. “He’s only thinking with his d**k!” Leila growled. “Doesn’t he deserve to relax a little? He has been quite stressed about not finding the brooch,” Tommy suggested. “And I understand that, and of course, he deserves to relax, but I don’t think it’s right how smitten he’s with her after just one hookup!” Leila argued. “Alright, I’ll admit that I see where you’re coming from,” Tommy agreed, “But you still have to follow his orders.” “Alright, I may have made a mistake by going to the girl, but I’m telling you, there’s something wrong about her,” Leila insisted. “How so? She seems normal to me,” Tommy shrugged. “My persuasion skills didn’t work on her,” Leila explained, and she noticed Tommy looking at her in surprise. “But she’s only a human. I thought you could work your magic on all humans?”  “That’s what I thought too, and so far, I haven’t met a human that can blow me off like she just did,” Leila grumbled. “I’ll admit, that does raise some alarms,” Tommy nodded. “She’s hiding something,” Leila stated, “And I’m going to figure out what it is.”
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