Chapter 29: Afternoon Delight

1767 Words

Over the next couple of days, Rick gets his investigation of the rogue wolves under way and I take some much needed time to myself. I have to keep taking naps because of my headaches, but I continue to improve. I contemplate the future a lot while I recover, specifically how Rick and I are going to make this work and the status of my place in the coven should we attempt to be together. I'm downstairs in the formal living room when there's a knock on the door that startles me out of my daydreaming. I open it to find Moira standing before me looking a little chagrined. “Hello, Raven," she says softly. “Moira! I'm so glad to see you. How is Rowena?" I ask. “She's doing alright, she just needs more time. How are you? I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, but I wanted to make sure Rowena was o

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