Chapter 2

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Chapter Two Taking off my apron, I hung it up in my locker. Glad that my shift was done. Tonight had been slow, but meeting Derrick had proven interesting. Just thinking his name sent chills down my spine. “Nevie, you ready to bounce?” Talon asked. “If you are?” I grabbed my purse. Slinging it over my shoulder, I turned to face him. Talon was leaning against the doorframe, he’d already changed into running shorts and a tight black shirt that hugged his muscular chest. I didn’t understand his obsession with fitness, he was already buff and we worked out together most mornings. He trained with a determination I’d never seen before. “Planning another run?” “What can I say, I’ve got a lot of pent up frustration.” His lips twitched into a smirk, his eyes moved down my body. “Talon,” I hissed, stepping closer to him. My n*****s, hard pebbles beneath my shirt. His words affected me more than I wanted them to. It had just been too long since I’d been with a partner. Not the fact that he was absolutely gorgeous or that when he took his shirt off, my mouth went dry. He looked down at me, biting his lower lip. Blocking the doorway as he leaned closer to me. I felt heat spread across my cheeks and I shook my head. I couldn’t think about him like that, no matter what he said. I wasn’t going to sleep with him, things were going smooth here and I couldn’t afford to go find another job. “Walk me home?” I asked, batting my eyes up at him. He gulped when I rested a hand on his arm. My thumb tracing the tattoo on his skin. “Been waiting to get you to myself all night.” “Then move.” I growled out and a smile spread across his lips. “I like it when you tell me what to do.” He stepped out of my way, and I rolled my eyes. We said goodbye to Eva as she wiped down the counters. Ethan had her closing up tonight. I’d be the opener tomorrow, and I was glad. It meant that I could duck out of my workout early. I stepped outside. The cool night air felt good on my warm face. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath. It felt good to be out of the diner. “It’s beautiful.” Talon said, and I opened my eyes, looking up into the sky at the full moon. “It is,” I said with a nod as he looked over at me. “Just means all the creepy things are out and about.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. “Good thing you’ve got me here to make sure you get home and no baddies gobble you up.” I laughed, shaking my head as we walked down the sidewalk. Our footsteps were the only sound in the quiet night. Turning my body towards Talon, I looked behind us. The street was empty. Even though I couldn’t hear anyone, I had the strangest feeling that we were being watched. Followed even, “You okay?” He asked, tightening his arm around me as he guided our steps. “Yeah, just a strange feeling.” “See. I’m here to keep you safe, babe.” Talon said, and I looked up at him as he gave me that boyish smile that he normally reserved for tipping customers. My stomach did a strange flip, and I knew that it was a bad thing. Pressing my lips together, I didn’t say anything. I was glad that he was walking me home tonight. His body was warm and I couldn’t help but cuddle against his side. Trying to ease the chill that had nothing to do with the crisp night air. There was something about Talon that always made me feel safe. Like no matter what, he would protect me from the world. “Thank you.” I whispered, looking back down the sidewalk and away from him. “What for?” “Just for you know, walking me home even though I know you’d rather be running.” I bit my lower lip, feeling my ears heat up. “No, you have me wrong. I love walking you home.” He chuckled, “You could say it’s what keeps me going.” “Talon, don’t say stuff like that.” I didn’t need him saying stuff like that to me. I knew the kind of girls he liked, and even though we flirted, I was nothing like those tall gym bunnies. All lean and blonde, I’d seen them leaving his apartment building more times than I could count. I wasn’t petite, but I wasn’t leggy like those women. My looks would best be described as homely. With my green hazel eyes and messy chestnut colored hair that was best left up in a bun. I was in a shape, and that shape was curvy no matter how much I worked out with Talon. “Can’t help it if it’s true.” He brought a hand up, touching my cheek. I shrugged his hand away. Stepping out of his warm embrace as I opened my purse up to dig for my keys. We stopped in front of my apartment building. I could still feel his eyes on me as I turned and all but ran up the steps to get away from how he was making me feel. Waving at him as I unlocked the front door and slipped inside. I made my way down the darkened hallway, not bothering to turn on the light as I dropped my bag and started stripping off my clothing. The shower was calling my name. I wanted to wash the day away. Head to bed so I could dream of Derrick again and the way that he made me feel. Maybe Talon would join that little fantasy? A girl could dream, after all. There was no harm in a little fantasy, and everyone had them. It didn’t mean anything.
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