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Damn! She quickly covered herself with a blanket and searched frantically for her clothes. She saw them in a pile at the foot of the bed. They were torn and there was no way she could wear them. The first thought was to get herself out of the room but her body was dirty and sticky. She hurried to the bathroom to clean up as fast as possible. She scrubbed herself clean to remove whatever she had gotten from that stranger. Tears fell from her face as she had her bath. The last thing she could remember the previous day was that a young man placed his hands on her laps. Was he the one that took advantage of her and taken her virginity? But the major thing was to get herself out of the room. She checked the wardrobe and fortunately for her, there was one female wear inside.Although it didn't cover her properly, it was the most decent clothing in the wardrobe. The rest were male wears. She put it on and ran to the door. The door was opened from outside before she did and reporters swarmed in like bees. Amy felt like dying. Her world had collapsed. "Miss Amy White again." "Can we have a word from you? What happened?" "Even her clothing speaks a lot about what she did. Look at her dishevelled hair." "We all know this is a VIP section and an engagement party was held here last night. Have you gotten into one of your usual entanglements?" "Who is it? Tell us. Is it a big fish?" "Or an old man in the business world?" "Look at her lips. Miss what happened? Do you need justice or was it a mutual act?" "It's definitely a mutual act. She enjoyed it. That's all she does." Laughter erupted from them all. Reporters and spectators alike all had something to say. Amy shook like a leaf in their midst. There was no escape for her. She prayed for the ground to open and swallow her. Two years ago, she was humiliated this way as well. She was framed by someone and two lecturers even testified to it. She was certain that her step sister, Lily had a hand in it. It was rumored that she spread her legs to the university lecturers and that was how she was able to scale through all her years. There was no way she could deny it when these lecturers had testified. She was called all sorts of degrading names and it was in the university journal: THE CAMPUS BELLE IS A SLUT She was helpless and she bore the shame till she completed her course. She nearly dropped out but she kept going. She didn't want to give up on herself. She wanted to be strong so that she would get back to everyone who hurt her. Amy stood there receiving the insults and nasty comments from all angles. She couldn't find any means to escape, hard as she tried. She just waited for them to finish and leave when they deemed it fit. Suddenly, a strong hand held her and pulled her out of the room from the crowd. As they passed, the reporters and spectators gave way, too scared to even say a word or stop the man from pulling her out. This man wore an expensive suit and his shoes were from the most famous designers in the country. He was six feet tall and had a stunning appearance. His eyes were covered with dark shades, making it impossible for the crowd to detect who it was. This was the a VIP section of a hotel. Moreover, they all knew that only a powerful person would pull through the crowd and do that. They mustn't offend him. Amy shivered in the arms of this strange man who came to her rescue. He took off his expensive suit jacket and covered her up. He still had his shades so she couldn't see his face but his cold demeanor was very noticeable. He exuded a very mean and powerful aura. If she wasn't mistaken, he was a man of noble birth. The man stopped in front of a car that was probably worth millions of dollars. "Get in." It was a command. It was clear that man was accustomed to giving orders and orders that mustn't be countered. She got in obediently and before she knew it, the door was slammed shut. She didn't even get to thank this saviour of hers. She didn't even return his coat or get a good view of his face. She only knew he had a tatoo on his upper arm. She was only able to see it because he took off his outer clothing to cover her. "Where do I drop you, miss?" The driver of the car questioned. "Number 15, Wales Avenue. Thank you very much." "You shouldn't thank me, you should say that to my boss." "Your boss? Who is he by the way?" "I don't have to disclose that," the driver responded and that was the end of discussion for them. Amy said a silent prayer for the man. He didn't only save her, he lent her his coat and ordered his driver to send her home. He must have a great heart. She hoped to see him some other time so that she would thank him properly. "Ahaa! Look who we have here!" Lily laughed the moment Amy stepped into the house. Amy ignored her and almost walked past her when she said, "How well did you enjoy my gift last night?" Amy turned. "You! So it was…" Amy was too angry to speak. "Hahaha!! Yes, it was me. You should be grateful to me. You are trending on the internet. Check out the news. I have earned you a bit of popularity." "Lily…" Lily smiled at her and went back to her business. Lily had always hated her but Amy didn't know she would go this far. She lost her family, her happiness, her face and now, Lily saw to it that she lost her virginity. It was also Lily that called those reporters. How dare she! "Why did you set me up? Who was it?" "Are you interested in finding out? Don't worry. I have great tastes in men. It's a nice…" She was interrupted by the chill ringing of her phone. An angry voice spoke up. "Why did you deceive me? I accepted to work with you and you hid your sister from me. If it weren't for a w***e who came to my rescue, I don't know what would have happened. Where did you hide your sister last night?"
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