Chapter 14, Kanika:

3811 Words

Chapter 14, Kanika: The Phoenix and Coyote lay several days at anchor. This gave both crews time to heal and Kanika to recover from her festered wound. The healthy trained hard, using the small cove to practice boarding skills and defense maneuvers. Captain Talen was always quick to explain all plans were good until the first bolts left the crossbows. Kanika found herself unsure of Talen. He looked pretty enough, but she learned long ago that pretty did not equate to skill. She would prefer to see more scars covering his body, proof of his fights and living to tell about them. She didn’t think he was that good with a sword. More likely, he didn’t put himself in harm’s way. She was happy to find the ship’s carpenter alive after her sickness. Christian took the tools and wood she’d given

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