Chapter Five-2

2025 Words

“You come here or go quay?” Mrs. Chang enquired. Azalea thought for a moment. Either way was dangerous and she knew she would not be expected to leave Flagstaff House alone in a rickshaw without an escort. If she said she had gone shopping it might be more excusable than if she said she had gone to the house of a c******n. “I will meet you at the quay.” “We look for you where big junks tied up.” By now Azalea was dressed in the pale-coloured cotton gown in which she had arrived. She put on her hat, then she kissed Kai Yin Chang’s soft cheek. “Thank you. You are so kind.” “You very gracious,” Mrs. Chang replied and Azalea knew she was touched at her show of affection. Lord Sheldon was waiting near the front door. Azalea thanked Mrs. Chang and climbed into the carriage that was wa

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