“Bri!” Stacia screamed. She dropped her bags and sprinted across the short distance to where Bryna was standing. She full-fledged jumped into Bryna’s arms. Bryna winced as Stacia’s weight hit her hip and was so glad cheer had given her the strength to hold people up…even crazy friends. “I missed you so much,” Stacia said. Bryna laughed and dropped her back to the ground. “I missed you too.” “I so wish Trihn could fly with us.” “Yeah, but she’s flying in straight from New York.” “Still.” “I know. She should have taken up cheerleading,” Bryna said. “It’s never too late.” “Yes. I’m sure back handsprings and toe touches are right in her artsy repertoire.” “Well, we’ll work on her for next year.” Stacia locked elbows with her and dragged her over to her own stuff. Stacia directed one