Chapter 12: A Proposition

1306 Words

-Jax- Kat did have a point. I pondered it all the way home. The communication aspect was something we struggled with. That was why things had gone awry the last time. Even if I had been courageous enough to express my desire for more, I had allowed her to push me away too quickly without probing further. I had accepted her refusal, and when she declined to engage with any of my inquiries, I had simply walked away. That was a grave error. I should have pressed harder. I should not have left before she provided a proper explanation, one beyond “I don’t do relationships”. Upon arriving home, the house was rather quiet, which suited me fine. I had much to contemplate. How would I convince Kat to allow me in when she persistently pushed me away? I made my way to the largest living room in t

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