Sudden illness

1562 Words
Melanin's POV One month later. A few weeks ago, a war broke out, and Lord Maximus left the mansion with his warriors. According to rumors, the vampires declared war against the werewolves, and the werewolves sought Lord Maximus' help. Each passing day, we heard great news about Lord Maximus, how he tore vampires apart. His name was sung throughout different packs, and now, after one month, the war has come to an end. The vampires realized they were losing, so they called for a peace meeting, and the war was halted. Today, there is a great feast in the palace, celebrating Lord Maximus' victory and return after being away due to the war. "Are you excited to see him?" Olivia asked, but I sighed and continued taking my bath. Olivia, my wolf, has constantly told me that King Maximus is our mate, but I just can't believe it. It can't be possible, and if it is, then why doesn't he recognize us as his mate? "I can't be wrong about this. He is our mate, why don't you tell him," Olivia suggested, but I scoffed. "You want us dead," I sighed, but she continued, "Maybe something is wrong somewhere. I can't be wrong about knowing our mate." She grumbled while I heaved a deep breath before speaking. "Even if he is our mate, as you claim, you know that he will never accept us. So let's save ourselves the heartbreak," I snapped. I came out of the washroom, put on the maid uniform, and tied my hair in a ponytail that reached my waist. With a tired sigh, I sat on the bed, feeling weak and tired despite not doing anything. I don't understand my body these days; most of the time, I feel weak and tired, and sometimes I just want to sleep. I told Zoey about it, and she advised me to see the palace doctor and get some medication. She concluded that I had been stressing myself with work, which was true, and it was now affecting my health. Sighing heavily, I left my room and went to the kitchen to fix myself with some work. While working in the kitchen, a maid informed me that Lady Harper needed me in her chambers. "What does she want?" Olivia grumbled, and I couldn't give an answer. Since the day Lord Maximus saved me, I have done my best to ensure our paths don't cross, but today it seems like I'm unlucky. When I reached her door, I knocked, and she gestured for me to come in. As I stepped in, I saw her getting ready for the feast, dressed in a stunning red beaded dress that made me feel jealous. "Privacy," she said, and the three maids dressing her stood up and left, leaving me alone with her. "Come closer," she demanded, and I obeyed. "On your knees," she ordered, and with a gulp, I did as told. She looked at me with anger and hatred before standing up. "I've noticed that you have been avoiding my quarters," she spoke, and I shook my head. "I haven't been seeing you attend to me, and I believe it has to do with our last discussion." She moved closer to me, and before I could process what was happening, she yanked my hair. "My lady," I cried out in pain, but she tightened her grip. "You dirty slut!" she cursed. "Now I'm going to ask you a question, and you will give me an answer. If you dare lie to me, I will kill you..." "My lady," Lady Harper's personal maid walked in and interrupted, "King Maximus has arrived, and Lady Cora is already welcoming him." She announced, causing Lady Harper to groan. "Desperate b***h," she cursed Lady Cora and stormed out of the room, leaving me kneeling there. With tears filled eyes, I slowly stood to my feet and left her chambers. As I made my way back to the kitchen, I worried for myself. Lady Harper won't stop until she hears the truth from me, and I don't know what will become of me if she does. "Melanin, you are still not dressed. The king has arrived, and he is at the feast hall," Zoey asked as she saw me entering the kitchen. I stared at her and noticed she had changed into the new dress given to the maids in the palace, and it looked good on her. "I'll go change and get ready," I murmured and walked away. Unlike the other maids, I wasn't excited about the feast. I just wanted to fall onto my little bed and sleep. I went back to my room and changed into the clothes that we, the maids, were supposed to wear. I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed the dress suited me, but indeed, I was different from the other maids. My hair and skin color were to be thanked for that. "Whatever," I frowned and left the room. As I made my way to the palace hall, I met the head maiden on my way, and when she saw me, she couldn't suppress her anger. "Why is your hair not braided?" she asked furiously, eyeing me from head to toe. "I didn't have the chance," I lied. "Every maid has the chance to style their hair, except our dear Melanin," she snapped in anger. "You want people to think I maltreat you because of your skin color," she spoke angrily while giving me a death glare. "No, head maiden, that's not it," I replied with a gulp. With anger, she threw me an angry glare before leaving, which meant we were not done with this topic. I arrived at the palace hall where the celebration was taking place. Everywhere was beautiful and lively, maids and guards were chatting happily, and I didn't blame them. This was the only chance we had to enjoy ourselves. I walked into a corner, searching for a comfortable place to watch the event, since I was among the maids serving the royalties. After finding a comfortable spot, I looked around the room, seeing different royalties from different packs and towns. But suddenly, I locked eyes with King Maximus, seated at a high table. "Mine!" Olivia howled loudly in my head as his gaze held mine. I noticed his eyes were cold and lacked emotions, and out of panic, I quickly looked away and lowered my gaze to the ground. My heart began to beat rapidly in my chest out of fear. I was scared that maybe he must have remembered something about that night, and the thought of that scared me to death. "Take a deep breath; you are panicking," my wolf urged, and I did as she directed. I took a deep breath and lifted my gaze, but I made sure not to look in King Maximus' direction. As I continued to observe the room, I noticed Lady Cora, the beautiful and confident werewolf who was known to be close to Lord Maximus. She was engaging in a lively conversation with him, her laughter echoing through the hall. Jealousy welled up inside me, knowing that I could never compare to her. Different performers entertained in honor of King Maximus. After the performance, king Maximus made a speech, telling us about the war, the bravery of his warriors and the victories they achieved. After his speech, everyone applauded him. We, the maids in charge of the food, started serving the food. I served the first round, and I was about to serve the next round when I felt dizzy and the urge to throw up. I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off with my body. I felt a sudden wave of fatigue wash over me, and my legs grew weak. I stumbled and almost fell, but I managed to steady myself against a nearby pillar. Concerned, I glanced around to see if anyone had noticed, but thankfully, it seemed that my weakness had gone unnoticed. Unable to ignore my worsening condition, I decided to excuse myself from the celebration. I made my way back to the kitchen and met Zoey on the way, who had a jar of wine in her hands. "You don't look okay. It's like your condition is getting worse," she asked with concern, and I nodded. "Don't you think maybe it's your wolf? When was the last time you shifted into it?" she asked, and I sighed. "Maybe you should ask for permission to go to the woods, change into your wolf, and see what's wrong," she suggested, and I nodded. "But you have to rest. Just go back to your room. I'll tell the head maiden that you are unwell if she looks for you." I wanted to refuse and continue working, but my body was so weak. "Thank you," I smiled weakly and went back to my room. As I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling, I couldn't help but think about my sudden illness. Why was I suddenly feeling weak? And what were these strange feelings in my stomach? And then I remembered something that made me panic. “Oh my goodness.” I blurted out when I realized I haven't had my monthly flow. I quickly got up, feeling worried. This can't be happening, I can't be pregnant, can I?
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