A secret

1648 Words
I struggled to open my eyes, feeling groggy and weighed down. It took me a moment to register that I was lying on a soft, comfortable bed, unlike the crude one I had in my room. As I tried to move, I felt a stronger body holding me down, making it impossible for me to shout out. The scent of the figure next to me was intoxicating, and even with my eyes closed, I knew that this person was not ordinary. Summoning all my strength, I forced my eyes open, only to see the ceiling above me. Straining my neck, I turned my head to see who was lying beside me, and to my horror, it was none other than the Lycan king. This couldn't be happening. Why was I in his bed? I closed my eyes, trying to remember the events of the previous night. The king had been drunk, lashing out at everyone, including his other two concubines. I had entered his chamber to ask if I could perform my usual duty of washing his feet, but he had shouted at me, asking who had allowed me in. Just as I was about to flee, he called me back and requested that I undress him and wash his body. He drunkenly spoke of the death of his queen and unborn child. He also complained about his two concubines' inability to give him an heir, revealing a rare moment of weakness and anger in him. As I undressed him, he cried, and I wiped away his tears, unsure of what else to do. He offered me a drink, and I hesitated but eventually accepted. But beyond that, I couldn't remember anything. I sat up and immediately felt a pang of pain in my lower abdomen. Lifting the sheet, I noticed that I was naked, as was the king. Panic set in as I realized I had slept with the king. I rushed out of the room, desperate to avoid being seen or caught. When I got back to my room, it was as I'd left it. “Olivia, are you there?” I whispered. “What’s going on? Please speak to me,” I requested, and this time, she finally spoke. “He is our mate, Melanin. The Lycan king is our mate,” she announced, but I quickly shook my head in disbelief. “It can't be possible. I can’t be his mate. He has a mate who was the queen,” I argued. “I can't be wrong. He is…,” she trailed off. “Stop it, Olivia. I know we're desperately searching for our mate, but that doesn't mean you have to lie about it. Didn't you notice that he didn’t even recognize us?” I grumbled with a sigh and ran my fingers through my hair. “Tell me, do you remember last night? Do you know how I ended up in the king’s bed?” I asked, and she remained quiet for a moment before responding, “I have no idea. I'm lost, just like you.” Why did I allow myself to get so drunk? Why can’t I remember what had happened… I was still lost in thought when a loud bang came on my door. “Melanin!” the head maiden called, sending panic through my entire body. “I give you three minutes to come out of that room,” she yelled. “I'll be out in a minute,” I yelled and scrambled into the washroom attached to my small room. I quickly took a bath, changed into a new uniform, and left my room. My first task was to prepare a bath and food for the king and attend to Lady Harper, the king's first concubine. With hasty feet, I took her food on a tray and entered her chamber. “Greetings, my lady.” I greeted her, but as usual, she ignored my greeting. “Insolence. Very soon, you will address me as queen,” she spoke, while I bowed and set the tray of food on the table. “Is there anything else, my lady?” I asked, and she scoffed before shooing me away. As I left her chamber, I debated whether to go to the king's chambers. I was scared and worried if he would recall what happened between us. I was also scared of what he would think of me, but I decided to brave it and attend to him. As I walked towards the king's chamber, I saw the head security guard exiting with an expressionless look on his face. I greeted him before entering with my head bowed. When I stepped in, I lowered my head, ignoring the howling of my wolf. “Set the bath and set the food,” King Maximum commanded without looking at me. I felt a pang in my chest as I realized he didn't remember anything that happened. If I hadn't woken up in his bed, I wouldn't have remembered either. But the king's inability to remember left me feeling uneasy. “What are you still doing here?” he barked, and I scurried out, struggling to hold back my tears. When I returned, the king was standing on the balcony, gazing out at the city. “Your bath is ready, my king,” I said softly. “You can leave,” he demanded, and I turned to go, but he called me back. “You were the maid who washed my feet last night?” he asked, while I froze, my heart racing with fear. What would happen if he remembered? “Come closer,” he commanded, and I stepped forward, trembling with fear. “Raise your head,” he ordered, and I lifted my gaze to meet his. “Mate!” Olivia howled loudly. “I realized I…" he trailed off, and I held my breath, unsure of what he would say next. “I realized I was drunk last night. Did I do anything foolish?” he asked with furrowed eyebrows, his piercing gaze staring into my soul. My words got stuck in my mouth, and I couldn't give him a response. “Answer me, did I do anything stupid?” he asked, and not knowing what to say, I quickly went on my knees. “You only vomited on me, my lord,” I lied as my heart clenched in my chest. He quickly closed his eyes, perhaps trying to see if he could remember a thing, but I kept praying for him not to remember. I couldn't begin to imagine what he would do. After a moment, he opened his eyes and stared at me, his expression troubled. He let out a heavy sigh before speaking. “I'm wondering why some of my memories from last night are missing,” he grumbled, shaking his head in frustration. Then, without another word, he turned and walked away. As he left, I realized I had been holding my breath without even realizing it. Quickly, I got on my feet and went out while the maids who were to dress him walked in. With a heavy heart, I went to the kitchen and collected his food. “He is our mate, Melanin, I can't be wrong,” Olivia spoke again, but I refused to believe her. “If he is our mate as you claim, why then doesn't he recognize me?” I questioned, and Olivia couldn't give a response. I went back to the king's chamber and realized he was still in the washroom when I came in, so I decided to wait until he was out of the washroom. As I waited, I couldn't help but think about the events that had transpired between us. It was as if a part of me was hoping that he would remember what happened, and another part of me was terrified at the thought of it. “All of you out!" he ordered us out, including the maidens who were to dress him. As we all hurried out, I found myself unconsciously retracing my steps back to the kitchen. The palace was eerily quiet, with nobody daring to laugh or talk. The maids, including myself, moved quickly and carefully, trying not to anger the king or any of his concubines. I noticed some servants crying while others were gossiping, but I was lost in thought and didn't realize Zoey was calling out to me until she tapped me on the shoulder. “Are you okay? You've been washing the same utensil for the past few minutes,” she asked with concern etched on her face. I forced a weak smile. “I'm fine. I'm just exhausted,” I lied, not wanting to burden her with my problems. “Everyone is exhausted,” Zoey murmured, leaning closer to me. “The queen will be buried tomorrow,” she whispered, and I nodded, feeling a pang of sadness for the loss of a life, even though I didn't know the queen personally. “Are we allowed to attend?” I asked, hoping to pay my respects. “No news has been given yet,” Zoey replied with a shrug. With a heavy sigh, I went back to washing the dishes. When night fell, I retired to my small room, changed my clothes, and lay on my bed. Memories of the previous night buzzed in my head, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember anything past having a drink with the king. “Perhaps you two got drunk and had s*x,” Olivia suggested excitedly. “Which isn't a bad thing because he's our mate,” she encouraged. But I couldn't find it in myself to be happy about it. I had lost my virginity to the king, who couldn't even remember it. It was a secret I would carry with me forever.
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