First Things

1706 Words

Kaya’s pov Another one? I blankly stared at the older woman, who was blinking away her tears. Her face looked familiar. Wait, did I have her picture saved on my phone? I tried to remember the faces I saw on my phone. Although I wasn’t 100 percent sure, I knew I had seen her face somewhere. This woman didn’t give me the wrong vibes like Asher did. “I am sorry, who are you?” I asked her. Her eyes clouded. She inhaled deeply, and a frown wrinkled her face. “You don’t remember me?” she asked. I offered a bashful smile. “I am sorry...” “Mommy, who is it?” I trailed off when Archie squeezed himself between the door and me. The moment I saw his little face light up as soon as he saw the lady, I knew she was the right person. “Aunty Helena!” he squealed and threw his hands around her.

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