We Aren't That Special

2037 Words

Kaya’s pov “Yeah,” I said. “I wouldn't be able to avoid him. He is the alpha.” There was a pause on the other end of the call. “Why do you ask?” I broke the silence. “Well. I kinda wish you didn’t go.” He stopped there. I sensed the hesitation in his tone. He would not be envious of the work I accomplished. However, the fact that I am so close to the father of my child could make him nervous. “Don’t worry. I won’t have any contact with him unless it is purely professional. You have nothing to worry about,” I told him. He heaved a breath. “I know. I trust you. But I know how men are. Especially if a guy is interested in a girl. They would do anything to catch their eye.” “Anything?” “Yeah. Some men might even kill to be with the woman of their choice. They just might do anythin

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