A Bluff?

2010 Words

Kaya’s pov The rogue was being treated in the infirmary of the dungeon when we arrived. We weren’t allowed inside until they stabilised him. Though he was lucky to escape with his life, the poisoning left him so weak that the doctors thought it was best to put him to sleep, so he could recuperate. They let us in while he was sleeping. He remained chained to the bed, with two guards standing watch by his side all the time. I examined his physique. It seemed like he had shed a lot of weight in the last few days. Maybe it was because he did not want to eat after his friend passed away unexpectedly. Of course, being imprisoned had to have played a part in that as well. It was hard to feel compassion for a rogue who had attacked the pack. Despite being captives of war, they had rights, and

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