Time Could Tell

1978 Words
Kaya’s pov Sasha and Andre’ started a beautiful relationship. They acknowledged the bond, marked, and mated. Alpha Karl was happy that his daughter found her soulmate and settled down. It was all just perfect. Even though I was initially sceptical, I eventually grew accustomed to seeing them together. Their bond differed completely from what I experienced with Theo. Lucky them. They deserved of it. Sasha and Andre’ were the sweetest couple I knew, and I was fortunate to have found a friend in them. To be honest, all of them, including Nikita, Liana, and Heath, were great wolves. We made a great team, and I was confident that once we were fully trained, we would be unstoppable. Nothing dramatic happened for three weeks. Most of our time was devoted to training. Compared to the never-ending list of tasks I had to complete in the Black Woods, it was a welcome change. Being an alpha, Mira and I were fast learners. Although we lagged in the beginning, we soon caught up with the rest of the group. I loved my new life and the friends I made, but if Heath had not kept trying to get me out on dates, things might have been a little quieter. Ever since Andre' had marked Sasha, he had been attempting to date me. I refused, of course. I thought Heath should wait for his mate, and I was not ready to date or interact with a man after what had happened between Theo and me. I turned him down multiple times. In all honesty, he did not seem all that serious. Every time, I could tell he was joking around because of his playful groans and cunning smiles. Perhaps he wanted to sleep with as many females as he could before he met his mate. Men. That did not pique my interest. I thus persisted in rejecting him until he came up with a brilliant idea. He challenged me to a race, promising never to ask me out again if I won. Since Mira was an alpha, I foolishly believed I could defeat him. I lost and had to agree to one date. Just one so that he would stop pestering me. So here I was, begrudgingly getting ready to go out with him. I was not in a hurry because he was coming to pick me up at seven. Besides, I did not want to apply makeup or wear anything fancy. We planned to grab some hamburgers at a nearby café. That was it. I checked the time. Fifteen minutes had passed since the clock struck six. I styled my hair into a high ponytail and wore a basic black top and blue jeans. Upon glancing at the makeup Sasha had lent me for the evening, a deep grimace formed on my face. I was not interested in them. There was nothing noteworthy about this date. To kill time, I threw myself on the bed, grabbed my phone, and browsed through my social media accounts. Someone knocked. It could only be him. Who else would knock on my door? Exhaling a deep breath, I opened the door and offered a polite smile. “You looked gorgeous,” he said, grinning from ear to ear. I snickered. It was the first time anyone said that to me, but honestly, those words meant nothing to me. He was only trying to get into my pants. “Whatever, Heath. Let's get this over with,” I said, walking out of the door. As planned, we went to the cafe' for burgers. I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy his company. I enjoyed Heath's sense of humour and his regard for my personal space. During our conversation, I learned that his partner had also rejected him. The rejection he experienced was just as harsh. His heart was sliced into minuscule fragments by that skank. His ability to hide his feelings from everyone was astounding. Feeling guilty for rejecting him for such a long time, I made a self-promise to ensure that this night would be one he would always remember. I accepted his suggestion to head to a bar for drinks. Heath was right. A fun-filled night out would not hurt. I was fairly inebriated when we left the bar. Despite having fuzzy memories, I remembered going into the pack house with him. I knew Heath would take me back to my room. I trusted him. The next morning, I woke up with my head pounding and my body aching. Groaning, I tried to sit up. But as soon as I realised someone else was sleeping beside me, I froze. With my heart pounding in my chest, I looked at his face. Heath was still asleep, his soft brown locks dishevelled, and... is that a hickey on his chest? My jaw dropped, and a sudden surge of energy suddenly made me jump to a sitting position, only to realise I was also naked underneath the sheets. Several questions ran through my mind. Why was I naked? What the hell was he doing on my bed? Why was my body aching? And most importantly, why was there a wet spot on the bed? Bile gathered in my throat, and I rushed to the toilet to empty the contents of my stomach. I washed my face and checked my reflection. The numerous hickeys on my breasts made me shake my head. “Well, that was a night spent well,” Mira remarked. “Not,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Why not? We are both rejected by our mates. What's so wrong with this?” I chose not to respond. Mira had a point, but I wasn’t prepared to open my heart to anyone. After covering my nudity with a towel, I walked out of the bathroom. To my surprise, he was awake and almost dressed up. “Are you okay? I heard you retching,” he said, slipping his shirt on. Forcing a smile on my lips, I nodded my head. “Yeah.” He glanced at me, a lopsided grin curling on his lips. “Last night was fun. I look forward to another night out with you. I didn’t wear you off too much, did I?” I was unsure of how to react. The reality was too strange for me to handle. I wasn’t ready to be with him, and yet, I had slept with him on our first date. The worst thing was that Heath was a nice guy, and I didn’t want to break his heart. “Get ready and come downstairs if you don’t want extra laps. You know how Ezra is,” he said. I just stared in blank disbelief as he shut the door behind him. Perhaps after getting it out of his system, he would stop bothering me. But he did say he looked forward to another night out with me. My mind was boggled with thoughts as I picked up navy blue yoga pants and my favourite sports bra from the closet. Ezra would accept no excuse for missing the morning run. He would accuse us of being lazy and make us duel with him if we missed it. Being late was a little better, but even then, he would make up for it by running more laps. I looked at the clock. It was almost half past seven. Morning run… extra laps… s**t! I was late! *** Heath did not pressure me to see him once more. He wanted me to be ready for him. Our date night incident was well known to everyone in our friend group. They all wanted to see us get together, so they were all thrilled. The odd thing was that I never stopped throwing up as soon as I woke up. I became concerned when I felt lethargic during the day and puked for five days in a row. Mira just kept quiet. Presuming that I was overworking myself, Ezra suggested that I see the pack doctor. Despite my insistence that I was fine on my own, Sasha went with me. I gave in when she said that her father—the alpha—did not want me to go by myself. I anticipated a routine visit from the doctor. I assumed he would simply listen to my heart, prescribe a few vitamins, and tell me to proceed with caution. I was wrong. Perhaps I was more privileged since I was one of the alpha’s guests. The physician prescribed numerous blood and urine tests and kept me under close observation pending the results. “I am not that sick!” Sasha watched to make sure I did not sneak out of the doctor's office while I persisted. “Just shh. They won’t take much time,” she would say, dismissing my protests. The doctor arrived after what felt like forever, his face void of emotions. “Perhaps this isn’t the perfect news for now. You’re pregnant,” he said. I snickered. “Good one, doc. Now may I go?” His lips remained pressed into a grim line as he looked at me with a serious expression on his face. “I am not joking. You are pregnant,” he said, handing me the results. My jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Pregnant? How could I be pregnant? I didn’t even go into heat yet. “But… I didn’t go into heat. “It could happen if you have had s*x or dropped, regardless of not being in your heat.” My stomach dropped, and a sudden urge to throw up rose. Thankfully, the toilet was just a few steps away. Gasping for breath, I slowly stood up, meeting my gaze with my reflection. “Pregnant? We are pregnant," I said to my wolf, still in denial. “Yes, almost a month now,” Mira sighed. I did the math. A month… that could only mean this pup was Theo’s. Just freaking great! I groaned. “Why didn’t you say anything? You could have given me a warning.” "I was in denial until yesterday. I didn’t want you to freak out, and to be honest, I just didn’t know how to tell you,” she said. So much has changed in my life over the past few weeks. I guess the biggest change is yet to come. I was pregnant! I was going to become a single mom! Sasha peered into the toilet, looking concerned. “Hey, are you okay?” I gave a head nod. Though I felt sick to my stomach, I was okay. Carrying a child carried many implications. That meant I would have to go back to the place I had just fled, and I could not continue with the training. It also meant I would have to look after a pup with no support. Sasha put her arm around my shoulders and guided me out of the bathroom while muttering kind words of support. She must have noticed my melancholy. “Don’t you worry about anything. I will talk to Dad,” she said, as though she were addressing my unspoken thoughts. My heart leapt with hope at her words. “Do you still want me around? I will be a single mother,” I told her. She smirked. “The hottest, most talented single mom ever! Of course, I want you around. You are a part of my pack now.” A sigh of relief escaped my lips. Thank God for her. “Besides, how do you know you will be single forever? Heath and you make a cute couple,” she said. A humourless chuckle escaped my lips. Heath was a great guy, but why would he be responsible for someone else’s pup? And did I want him in my life? Well, only time could tell.
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