Our Night

1981 Words

Kaya’s pov I was giggling like a schoolgirl as he took me into the woods. We weren’t going towards the pack house, but I didn’t care where we went as long as I was with him. He led me deeper into the woods, weaving through the trees. The sounds and lights of the ceremony slowly diminished, but I knew we were still within the pack’s territory. “Where are we going?” I finally asked him. Nothing but trees surrounded us, and the only illumination we had was that of the moonlight. Despite knowing that we were completely alone, having him with me gave me a sense of security. “There is a place I want to show you. Come on. We are almost there,” he said. He didn’t let go of my hand the entire time. Our sprint took us to the precipice. Perched on top was a neatly constructed cliff house. I lo

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