
2077 Words

Theo’s pov Her aura was unmistakable. She was an alpha. Perhaps she lied that night when she said she wasn’t Alpha Robinson’s daughter. Heck, that wasn’t important anymore. I had lost her five years ago, and all I had was regret. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her. She looked amazing. In fact, she looked even better than she used to. Perhaps it was the confidence oozing from her or that she had matured more over the years. She was definitely a better version of the eighteen-year-old Kaya I knew. Even during my teenage years, I thought she was kind of cute. However, she was an omega who worked in the pack house, and as the alpha-in-training, I had a busy schedule and rarely had time to socialise with them. Even after my father’s death and being sworn in as the new alpha, I didn’t bo

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