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12 Somehow, the Patels were ready for this. Indira had a very good, very stout shield charm up in no time, which absorbed the first wave of the indignant woman’s hexery. Jay meanwhile threw a hex of his own in response, a neat, clever piece of magick which would have knocked her out on the spot if it had hit her. Sadly, she proved to have remarkable reflexes, too, and ducked. Through all of this ruckus, Bill warbled on. ‘Come on, Amelia,’ said Jay, throwing another hex. ‘You know the book isn’t yours.’ She made no reply to this, choosing to focus all her attention on the next wave of dark curses. Hm. I plucked a sleep-bead from one of my emergency supplies pockets. No use expecting to get her to swallow it; not with hexes, reflexes and a Wand at her disposal. Instead I threw the bead

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