The secret of Eve

410 Words
"How the hell are we going to find anything that could possibly kill a vampire?!" Max was freaking out about the fact that we might have to investigate without any weapons and to be honest I was too, I mean how could we possibly fight a vampire without knowing what actually kills one. And that's when Eve stepped in. "I know where we can get it from." "What do you mean you know where you can get it from? how could you possibly know where to find vampire killing weapons? " I asked. "Well.. I have a secret. Something no one knows about except for others that are like me." I couldn't help but wonder what that secret was, and I really wanted to know. "What's the secret?" Eve stepped back, I could see a faint frown on her face. Like she was ashamed of this secret, like it was something terrible. "It's better if I just show you.." Before I knew it she started growing what looked to be fur all over her body. We were shocked. Me and max looked at each other then back at Eve. One look away and the next thing we know there's a wolf in her place. Eve was a werewolf?! What the hell is going on. Her clothes were ripped now so when she transformed back she was naked, I covered my eyes and max ran to get Eve some clothes. Eve had told us werewolves and vampires were at war for centuries before we made a pact. So we have some things from the past that we can use to kill them. Still dealing with the shock of my friend being a werewolf I had so many questions and not enough time to ask them, so I chose to ask the first one that came to mind. "How many of you are there?" The answer to that question is more then I expected to be honest. "I'm not exactly sure, there's several all over the world and a bunch of other species. It's not just werewolves and vampires, but to answer the question to the best of my ability there's my pack a few vampires and 2 other packs in this area" Eve's answer was a lot more then I thought she would give me. "So where do we start searching for the killer?" I asked Eve. "Where the first victim was spotted." My eyes were wide open from that response.
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