#Chapter 186– James’ Revelation

1814 Words

Ella   I look back and forth between Roger and Isabel, noting her pallid skin tone and his quiet concern. “How long overdue is the plane?” I inquire, checking the time on my phone.   “It was supposed to get in five hours ago. James has never been late before.” Isabel pipes up, bouncing Sadie in her arms and visibly trying to control the tremors of fear wracking her body. I rise from my chair and attempt to put an arm around her, but she jerks away from my touch like a skittish horse. Sighing, I drop my hand.   “Is it possible there weren’t any refugees needing to make the journey today?” Henry asks, logical as ever.   “We haven’t had a single day without a new batch.” Gabriel answers grimly, “the wait list back on the continent is a mile long. If he didn’t come today, then something

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