#Chapter 23 – Ella’s First Interview

1659 Words

Ella I must have misheard him. He can’t truly mean that he wants me to move into his rooms. Does he really think I’m that much of a baby, that I need constant watching? “But it was only one dream.” I protest, my voice still shaky, “I swear it’s not a big deal.” Sinclair purrs again, and I feel my insides melting against my will. “Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. I just want you to sleep easily.” Before I can stop him, he’s lifting me into my arms. “Sinclair–” He interrupts me with a growl, and I quickly amend myself, “Dominic this really isn’t necessary. I can sleep on my own.” “I’m sure you can.” He concedes. “But I want you close.” “And what about what I want?” The words slip out before I can stop them, and Sinclair pauses, looking down at me with an appraising look. “And what do yo

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