#Chapter 103 - Flirtation

1868 Words

Trigger warning - mention of s****l abuse (not explicit) Ella I peek up at Sinclair from beneath my lashes, trying to gauge his frustration level. It’s obvious he’s displeased that I defied him, but I can tell he’s also glad to be home after what was certainly a very long day. Moreover, I think my words to his father helped assuage some of his guilt, and he’s feeling more affectionate towards me than he might have a few minutes ago. “I have to say that I missed you?” I profess, sliding my arms around his neck. “And you’re the most handsome man in the whole world?” Sinclair flashes his fangs, emitting a dark chuckle and swinging my legs up into his arms. “Flirting with me isn’t going to get you out of this, sweetheart.” He ducks his head and steals a kiss before mounting the stairs up t

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