#Chapter 12 – Investigate

1668 Words

Sinclair was sitting in his office, trying not to think about Ella. Two days had dragged past at a snail’s pace, and the Alpha was finding it more and more difficult to stay away from the pretty human. His wolf was driving him up the wall, constantly suggesting that they go and check on her, just to make sure she was alright.  It was ridiculous – he knew she was perfectly fine. The mischievous creature rang her bell every few hours, just to see if he’d come to her. In fact, he was starting to think the bell had been a bad idea. He was beginning to crave hearing it, hoping she would ring the damned thing so he could give in to his wolf and go see her. Ella was so unlike his ex, Lydia, that it made his head spin. Sinclair had loved his mate and wanted to give her everything her heart de

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