#Chapter 95 – Returning the Favor

1643 Words

Ella “Bed rest?” I repeat, glancing nervously at Sinclair. “You mean until the baby comes?” “No, I don’t think we have to do anything quite that extreme yet.” The doctor replies with a kind smile, “For now let’s start with a few weeks. Beyond that we can take it as it comes.” “What does that mean exactly?” Sinclair inquires, his large body looming over me. His heat, which sometimes reminds me too much of a blazing furnace when we’re curled in bed together, is a welcome balm now, washing over me in a tide of cozy comfort. “She can’t get out of bed at all?” “No, it’s not that severe.” The doctor assures us. “Ella can get up to go to the restroom, or move around to switch positions. She can take two short walks every day - one in the morning, one in the evening but no more than twenty mi

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