#Chapter 61 - Baby Bump

1872 Words

Ella “Wait what?!” I exclaim, certain that I must be hearing things. Sinclair can’t have possibly just said what I think he did. He smiles, tracing circles on the soft skin of my belly. “You heard me.” He teases. “Completely naked?” I gape, blushing at the idea alone. “Everyone? Even the children?” “I’ve told you, shifters don’t associate nudity with s*x the way that humans do. It’s our natural state.” Sinclair explains gently. “No one feels self conscious, because there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” I should have known something was up when he came in this afternoon and woke me from my nap, climbing into bed behind me and sliding his hand underneath the hem of my top so he could feel the baby. I’d whined at being disturbed, but cuddled closer to him anyway, stretching into hi

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