Chapter 47 – Ella Takes Matters into Her own Hands

1662 Words

Sinclair I’m resolved to buy Ella a ring tomorrow, but we still have to get through tonight first. She was distant on the ride home, sitting across from me in the back of the limo rather than tucked up against my side the way I prefer. Moreover she didn’t say a word until we got back to the house, and then her only message was that she wanted to sleep in her own rooms this evening. “Are you angry with me?” I ask, furrowing my brow in confusion. “No, I just think a little space would be good for us.” She answers, hugging herself in a clear defensive move. Maybe she’s right, I think, though it’s not easy to hear my thoughts with my wolf snarling in protest. I still haven’t gotten to the bottom of her reluctance to indulge our shared desires, and I don’t want to press her if she real

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