#Chapter 127 - Sinclair Comes Home

1599 Words

Sinclair The battle lasted for hours. By the time we reached the border, rogues were already pouring into the territory. I fanned my men out in a wide net to intercept them, hoping that Hugo, Roger and my other squadron leaders were doing the same at the other borders. This was the first time I’d been in a fight without Gabriel and Sean, and though I was confident my warriors were up to the task, it felt strange to be in battle without them. Of course it was completely worth it, I wouldn’t trust Ella with anyone else. Just before the fighting began, I forced myself to put Ella and the baby out of my thoughts. If I let myself worry about them I would be distracted from the battle, and that could be deadly. What’s more, if I focused on my sweet mate or what she might think of the violen

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