#Chapter 214 - What You’ve Done To Me

1701 Words

Ella We don’t spend very long in the bath. As soon as I’m fed and clean, Sinclair takes me to my nest and lays me out like his own personal feast, and he wastes no time in ravishing me. I’ve never been frightened of Sinclair. Not at his wildest or grouchiest, not even when he’s on the warpath against others, or assailing me with the full force of his magic. If anything, it’s been an incredible turn on to know that I can call such a powerful man my own, that I’m the sole soft spot in his impenetrable armor. But when he makes love to me now, I feel afraid. Not for myself – never that – but for the feral energy I can sense swirling through his body. His wolf is in full control and he’s near rabid with desire – ruthless in his affection. He isn’t gentle, nor would I ask him to be. I lov

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