#Chapter 210 – Reunited

1605 Words

Sinclair It had all happened very slowly. I heard the deafening noise, felt the excruciating heat of the blast, but when the explosion struck my body was thrown from the car. I remember sailing through the air, feeling as though I was traveling through water as flames and entropy eviscerated the vehicle where I had just been sitting. I hit the ground hard, my head slamming into the earth and stealing my consciousness. When I woke, I was lying at least ten meters from the blast radius. My head ringing, acid churning in my stomach, I stumbled back towards the burning cars in a daze. I don’t know how much time had passed, but my men were little more than charred husks, and the vehicles nothing more than tangled knots of molten steel. I vomited onto the ground, emptying my stomach and tr

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