#Chapter 160 – Refugees

1740 Words

Ella I’d known it wasn’t going to be easy. I was prepared to hear from grieving widows, wounded warriors, and heartbroken families. I was prepared to see their gruesome injuries and desolate faces, to hold their hands while they wept. I was not prepared for the orphans… or for the parents who lost their children. When we first walked into the main tent, the refugees had been too caught up in their own worlds to notice us, but that quickly changed. As soon as they realized that not only the Vanaran King, but myself, Henry and Roger were present, they were on their feet, gathering around us in eager throngs. I’m not sure why it surprises me, but they seem even more thrilled to see me than the others, and soon a pink blush is covering my cheeks as they cry out my name. “It’s Ella! It’s our

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