#Chapter 158 - Refugees

1598 Words

Ella “What do you mean, you lost my sister?” I demand, baring my fangs at Roger. Sinclair is holding me by the waist, preventing me from lunging at his brother the way my wolf is currently demanding. Roger held his hands up in defense. “She’s probably back at the palace. We were talking and she got annoyed with me and left.” “Then why didn’t you follow her? She is the only human on an entire continent of wolves, and you just let her run off on her own?” I hiss, lashing out with my claws. Sinclair purrs and takes a step back, causing my hands to swipe through nothing but air. “She doesn’t know her way around or have any contacts here!” “You ought to give her more credit. She’s a big girl, Ella.” Roger tells me, with infuriating confidence. “She’s also known about and been working with

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