#Chapter 169 – Ella Hides

1781 Words

Ella “Ella, why are we doing this?” Cora inquires in exasperation, her legs treading the steaming water of the palace baths. “Because I’m avoiding Dominic and water is the only way I know to hide my scent.” I answer primly, swimming around her in circles. I’m wearing a borrowed swimsuit, and I’d even showered with Cora’s soap and worn her clothes on the way here – anything to try and disguise my scent.  I then persuaded Gabriel to show me some of the hidden passages in the Royal residence so that Sinclair couldn’t track me through the halls, and as far as I know my mate doesn’t even know these baths exist. They’re a relic from a bygone era, when it had been in fashion to bathe socially rather than in private. I wouldn’t know about them if I hadn’t asked. Luckily the King seems so amused

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