#Chapter 227 - Visit to the Refugee Camp

1810 Words

3rd Person The next morning Isabel woke to find James in bed beside her, fully clothed and quietly speaking to Sadie, who was snuggled between their bodies. Outside, the caretakers Isabel hired to help with the nursery were already getting the pups up and fed, so she let herself relax a while longer. She peeked one eye open, trying not to think about how nice it would be to have James wrapped around her again. Sadie came first, of course, and she was excited to see her – but her wolf was struggling with her competing desires. “I don’t think it’s fair for anyone to be so cute you know.” James was saying, his fingers gently tickling her tummy. She grinned and giggled, wriggling and stretching her plump arms. “And that smile! It’s criminal. Don’t you know people will eat you right up if yo

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