#Chapter 67 – Finding Ella

1574 Words

Sinclair The rogues aren’t as smart as they think they are. Their only chance would have been to attack me all at once. Instead they try to lunge at me two at a time, giving each other time to rest and rebound in between attacks. At first – the first five seconds that is – it works. The red wolf crashes into my side while a big gray beta slams into my right. Then the other two charge me, but as soon as I’ve seen what they’re about – I adapt. The next time a wolf lunges for me I meet him head on, snatching his neck between my jaws and violently ripping into him with my fangs. As soon as he falls I turn on the other, slashing at the other wolves with my front and hind legs while my mouth rips the next attacker limb from limb. I’ve tasted their blood now, and my worry for Ella and the baby

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