#Chapter 55 – Sinclair Catches Up with His Ex

1732 Words

Sinclair It doesn’t take me long to catch up with Lydia. Once I caught her scent on Ella, it was easy to track her through the fair. I leave the feast pavilion and set off into the twinkling lights, finally spotting her in front of one of the food stalls near the snow maze. She’s standing in line for mulled wine, and she looks exactly like she did the last time I saw her. I wait for the familiar tug on my heartstrings, for our bond to trigger my wolf – to hear him chanting mine in my head the way he does with Ella. But it never comes. I don’t feel compelled to claim her, or even to approach her. If it weren’t for the fact that she’d been sniffing around Ella and my pup, I wouldn’t even consider going near her. I’m amazed to realize that – after all this time – I’m finally free of her in

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