#Chapter 83 - Ella Talks Down a Wolf

1779 Words

Sinclair It’s dark out by the time I get home, and I follow my nose upstairs to Ella’s room. She’s just stepping out of the shower when I walk in, her dripping body wrapped in a fluffy towel. Her rose gold hair is still dry, piled on top of her head and held secure with a pair of chop sticks.  She startles slightly when she sees me sitting on her bed, then rolls her eyes and huffs. “If you’re going to move around as silently as a ghost, would you at least announce yourself when you enter rooms, Dominic?” I chuckle softly, raking my eyes over her wet skin. “Is that any way to greet your knight in shining armor?” Ella steps forward before she can think to hide her nervouse curiosity. “What happened?” “Come give me a kiss hello, and I’ll tell you.” I invite, holding my arms open to her.

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