Red Heart, Red Ketchup

1746 Words
Chelsea tasted the broth, gave a smile of satisfactory and quickly ran to the bedroom. "Wakey Wakey!" She gently tapped Rita. "Hmm. What?" Rita mumbled with her eyes still closed. She turned her body to the other side to avoid disturbance. "Won't you go to work?" Chelsea asked. "Later. I'm not late" Rita sniffed. "What's the time?" She slowly opened her eyes. "8 am. I think I'm gonna have to leave you. Remember, I have a job now" Chelsea smiled. "Yeah. Good luck" Rita raised an arm and put it down quickly. "You still have to wake up though" "Ugh. Please, Let me sleep" Rita spoke childishly as she kept rolling on the bed. "You have to take your drugs. Food is also ready" "I will. Go on already. I don't want you being late on your first day" Chelsea smiled "Alright. Make sure you go to work on time as well. Take your drugs and do not skip your meals" "I won't" Rita sniffed. "Okay babe. Bye" Chelsea stood up ready to leave. Rita quickly grabbed her arm. "You're forgetting something" Rita smiled with her eyes still closed. "What?" Chelsea asked confusedly. Rita frowned and pouted her lips. "You need to stop that. I've got someone I like now" Chelsea laughed. Rita quickly opened her eyes widely "Really? Who?" "Babe, I'm late. Let's talk about it when I come back" "You can't leave without- "Urgh!! Rita. Stop being such a baby. Too naughty! Okay, Here you go. Muah!" Chelsea pecked her lip. "Okay bye" Rita let go of her arm. "Bye. Take care of your self!" "I will. Do the same" Rita waved. * * * * Chelsea ran outside and met Dan who was almost sitting on his bicycle. "Huh? Chelsea?" He smiled as he slowly took down his head phones. Chelsea smiled warmly and walked up to him. "Where are you off to?" She asked. "Training Center" He replied. "Training Center?" She questioned. Dan nodded with a smile. "Where are you off to?" He asked. "Work" She replied. "Hop in" He nodded vigorously tapping the back seat of the bicycle. "Excuse me?" "Hop in. I'm gonna give you a ride" "How do you expect me to- "I mean, It's a bicycle. Where's your car?" She asked. "I don't have one" He replied. "Your brother does" "Yeah. That doesn't mean I should have one" "Erm...You're right. But, Don't worry, Dan. I'm just gonna take the bus. Besides, I'm late already" Chelsea smiled trying to walk away. "I insist. Hop in, You won't regret it" He held onto her arm. "Oh" Chelsea looked at his fair hand which was on hers. "So, You wanna come?" He took his hand off and brought out a helmet. "If you say so. Let's see what you can do" Chelsea collected it and wore it over his head. Dan wore the other and sat down on the rider's seat. Chelsea slowly sat down on the back seat and looked at his broad back. She swallowed hard and held the tip of his clothes with two fingers. "Hold on Tight" His voice came "Excuse me?" She tilted her head, looking at the right side of his face. "I don't want you tripping" "Oh Yeah...You're right" She chuckled nervously. Chelsea slowly wrapped her arms tightly around his waist. "I'm starting" He smiled as he slowly started pedalling. Soon, They were both on the road. Surprisedly, He was really fast. Dan swerved and moved like a pro. Sometimes, Chelsea would think she was falling down due to his sudden turns. He was really good. "So, Where do you work?" He asked still riding. "CiCi Cosmetics and Colognes Company" She replied. "Oh. I know there. Its a famous company. One of the greatest Cosmetics Business in whole of Seoul" "Yeah. I work there" She said proudly. "Wow" "I work as My CEO Secretary" "It's Cool" "Sure, It is" Chelsea chuckled. "Uh...What of you? Do you work in a Gym?" Chelsea asked. "Pardon?" "Uhmmm....You said you were going to a Training Center" "Yup. I'm a Cyclist. I'm training there" "Oh wow. No wonder, You ride and know the Bicycle so well" "No doubt. One day, I might even go to the Olympics to play" He smiled. "Believe" Chelsea gently tapped his back as she went back to holding his waist. * * * * "We are here" He pulled the brakes sharply which made the bicycle stop instantly.  The Company before them, was a huge sky scapper made with the finest walls and it was mostly made up of glasses. It was rich looking and huge. The exterior and interior were really great and wonderful. Chelsea smiled and jumped down. "Thanks for the ride" She gave him back his helmet. "You're welcome" He smiled collecting the helmet. Chelsea waved to him and walked away. "Huh? Wait!" Dan uttered as he quickly ame down from the bicycle. He parked, and locked it. He quickly ran to Chelsea who had already gone inside. "Chelsea!!" He yelled seeing she had crossed the boarder, where they were asked to provide their Identity cards for entry. Chelsea heard her name and turned back. People were staring at Dan. "Huh? What's he doing here?" Chelsea bit her lip as she walked up to him. "Did I forget something. Is everything Alri- She paused immediately, she felt his hand stroked her hair. "Wh...what ar..are you doing?" She muttered, staring at his broad chest that covered her. People stared, wishing to be like the couples. Some girls commented on Dan's handsomeness and Care. "The Helmet disorganized your hair. I called you earlier, but you didn't hear me" He kept patting her hair. "Oh" She gulped hard. "Okay! All done" He smiled, staring at her. Chelsea took her eyes off him and stared at the floor. "Thank you" She muttered. "You're welcome" He nodded. "You should go. People are staring" She looked at him, and blinked her gaze away. "Okay. But I'm gonna see you go first" "Eh?" "Go on. I'm gonna wait till you leave" "Uhmm,, Okay. Thanks though. Bye" She waved. "Bye" He waved back. Immediately, She left the sight, Dan ran back. "Damn, I'm late. Mr Usher is gonna kill me" He ran looking at his wristwatch. Dan finally got out. To his greatest surprise, He didn't see his bicycle. "What the hell?" He muttered under his breath. He looked around but still didn't see it. He was getting angry already. "Who the hell took my bicycle!!!, Aiish!!! This is so annoying!" He ranted. "I'm gonna kill that soul! Who took my bicycle!" Dan was looking worried now. "I did" He heard a cold female voice say. His body shook as he turned around. His eyes caught with a fair tall lady, She was on his heels. She wore a black jackere over a white shirt. She also wore black trousers to match. Her eyes had thick eye liners on them. She also had about three piercings on both ears. She had a cold face. Her arms were crossed together. Dan moved back when he saw her walk closer. "Was it you?" She looked at him from head to toe. "Excuse me?" "Was it you that parked your bicycle at the front of my Company?" She uttered. "Eh?" He looked back at the beautiful lady's gray eyes. * * * * Rita stared at the ceiling. "Why did you come back? Its been years" She whispered to herself. Rita slowly sat upright on the bed. She couldn't stop thinking of the Nightmare.  She had always had that same Nightmare since she was Sixteen, That was 9 years ago, It left immediately but now, It came back? Why?. "Darn" She muttered as she walked sluggishly into the bathroom. She took out her Tooth brush, Placed Tooth Paste on it and slowly used it in brushing her teeth. "I pray I don't have such dreams again" She thought. She brushed her teeth, rinsed her mouth and went to take her drugs. She went to the kitchen and dished out the Rice, Broth and Vegetables. She sat down on the floor, kept the food on the low table and started eating immediately. Her eyes were on her phone which she got busied on, while she ate. Rita went to the search engine in her phone, and searched for "Are Flower Ghosts Real?" She was about to press the Search Result Icon, when she heard the bell ring. "Aiish! Who's that?!" She bit her lip. "Ring! Ring!" The sound came again. "I'm coming!" She took one more spoon of Red Stew before running to the door. "Who's that?" She asked. No one replied. Rita sighed and looked through the door system to check the person. It was Alfred. "Huh? What's he doing here?" She muttered. "What do you want?" She cooed. "Good Morning" He smiled. "Good Morning. What do you want?" She asked again. "Won't you open the door first?" "We can hear ourselves well. Don't you agree?" "Okay Then...Your Ketchup" He raised it. "My....Oh, You can take it. Chelsea already told you to have it" "Uhmm, Okay then. Thanks. I'm glad cause this kinda ketchup are rare" Rita swallowed hard watching him leave. "No! Wait!" She didn't realize she said that. "What?" Alfred looked back "Give me that" She muttered. Rita couldn't possibly let him have it.  That kinda ketchup was too good and rare. Maybe that was why he was sensible enough to return it. "5 Seconds, Rita. You can do this. Fighting!!" She spoke to herself as she also slowly opened the door. "Give it to me" She only stretched her hand out of the door. She hid her whole body inside with one hand clipped on her nose. Alfred looked at the stretched hand which kept on gesturing to be given the bottled ketchup. He scoffed and quickly drew her arm. "Owww!!" Rita yelped and found herself out in seconds. She quickly positioned her body on Alfred while his strong arms quickly grabbed her waist. "Sorry" He whispered. "You okay?" He whispered again. Rita swallowed hard as their eyes looked through each other. "My...My Ket...Chup" She stuttered still looking into his eyes with both her hands resting on his chest. "Oh Yeah. Hold on, There's Something on your- He paused as he slowly wiped the Red Stew off her lips. Rita blinked her eyes, as she felt her heart beat fast. Then, All of the Sudden, Without any Notice. "ARCHUUU!"
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