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HEAVEN'S POV "strip everything then " he said smirking ...he took two steps back from me "hurry now princess ....i don't have a whole day now" he said in a victorious tone My trembling fingers slowly unzipped the dress . I pulled the dress off my shoulders slowly ,as the dress fell on the floor I shut my eyes close... ...I was crying hard by now ...I tried to cover myself by my hands but something caught it midway and I realized it was his hands ... "don't" he said breathing heavily ...his hands slowly stroked the skin just above my breast forming a knot inside my stomach ...I hate my body ...I hate it "turn around" he said and I did that too I was crying too hard now .. He slowly put my hairs on my shoulder and the stroked my bare back from the neck till my .......... disgusting "don't please" I said it in a single breath knowing that wouldn't make him stop doing it but to my surprise ..he left but not before warning me "get dress again and stay here ........don't you dare defy me ." He left and I fell on the floor with a thud on my knees clutching my clothes to my chest and cried as hard as I could.................i hate him ...I hate myself for being human , for being a girl ...........i hate myself for being alive ........i wanna die I dressed back and lied on the floor crying stopped but my tears never did .i let sleep take over me and slipped in another darkness to get away from this harsh reality............ I was still sleeping but I wondered why the floor was so warm but since when floor got hands....hands and then I opened my eyes and regretted it immediately because I was practically laying on the king's bare chest and his arms caging me ..i tried to move but his grip tightened more..... I looked at him ...the one who was the sole reason I cried myself to sleep today ...he is sleeping so peacefully as if he didn't kill anyone today , didn't threatened me to do something against my will today ...but why he is sleeping with me ...he is a king ..and I am nothing .....why didn't he kill me yet ...but what is happening inside me ..he is still the biggest danger to me but why do I feel safe laying in his arms "no I can't lose grip on myself ....he is bad , he tried to snatch my innocence today" "but he didn't..." my subconscious argued "shut up that doesn't justifies his actions " I yelled back but I guess I was too loud because the king's eyes opened suddenly and I gulped He suddenly changed our position and now he was on top of me ...the position was now more uncomfortable because we were under the same blanket...his face was inches away from me while his chest was touching mine and raising heartbeats made it worse ...when he moved his hands towards me I flinched and closed my eyes believing it to be a hard slap , but it never came ..instead I felt my cheeks getting stroked gently ........ "why...why didn't you kill me yet" I mustered up all the courage and asked him and his eyes along with his expressions softened "no...I would never ag-"he trailed off "I would never hurt you " and with that he smashed his lips on mine ..the kiss was gentle full of longing , love ..arghh what the hell I am even thinking could that be no this is lust have to be....someone heartless like him could never fell in love with someone and that to for a mere human like me no never... The kiss was broken when we heard a knock on the door and I was breathing heavily "what" he roared making me flinch and then he zoned out may be teleporting or mind linking with the guards THANKYOU FOR READING
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