1417 Words
AZAZEL POV I woke up when warm sun rays fell on my face, slowly waking up from the darkness ,the warmth that my cold heart was feeling filled my doomed world with the never ending light...  The moment that i had yearned for years was here right in front of me peacefully laying in my arms... All i wanted right now was to make this moment still.... I wanted everything to freeze right now....  Her head on my arm with my arm around her soft waist... Her face was so angelic that i just never wanted to move my eyes away from her... The sanity i had lost years back was slowly crawling back to me........  Her slightly parted baby pink lips were tempting me to kiss her so badly.. With the back of my hand i slowly caressed her pale cheeks ...the breeze made her hair to fell on her face... It felt like even the wind couldn't hold itself back from touching her..... She was just so peaceful that it made me fall for her each and every moment...... harder... She stirred in her sleep when her smooth hairs troubled her sleep, so slowly and gently i moved the strand of her hair from her face tucking at the back of her ear... The more i touched her the more i craved for her, the more i look at her the harder it gets to even spend a second without her being infront of me.. The feelings that i had thought left me along with her were now coming back to me along with her....... Never in my life i had thought that i would get her back like this, it's still even hard to believe that she is back in my arms but i couldn't deny the fact that she has the same scent that used to make me crazier, the same sparks that i used to feel when i had her in my arms back then... And the solace she gave to me was still the same, her mere presence was enough to enlighten my darkened world ,just like how it's right now... So what if the face  is different... I fell in love with her soul, with her heart and with her warm personality.... So no matter however she looks, my love will be no different to her ...infact i'll love her more than i ever did before....  i stepped out of the bed carefully not disturbing the sleep of my angel and covering her with the duvet ...i kissed her forehead and left to do my morning business ....i came out of the shower and watched my princess still sleeping ...i sat on the chair as she stirred in her sleep ..the creases that formed on her forehead made me frown , i don't like it on her beautiful face and screaming "no" she woke up with a jerk . she was sweating and breathing heavily ...i wanted to calm her but then i chose to observe her ....wiping off her sweat she let her eyes roam the whole room ...i wondered what was going on in her beautiful mind  "you are up finally" she flinched when she heard my voice out of nowhere  slowly she turned towards me and i froze , the same crystal blue eyes that used to hold me captive , they say eyes are the window to your soul ...and indeed they were correct .it was the same soul that had completed mine ...she used to speak to me by saying nothing at all ...the way she was looking at me i was sure that something hit her too , did she remember me i tried to check but i couldn't read her mind ....i chuckled in my mind ...nothing changed about her "done checking me out..... " i teased her smirking  "w-who a-are you and wh-why am I here" she stuttered  checking herself ...scared of the possibilities ...her voice was same ...the same voice that was music to my ears ...that i had longed to hear every second "don't worry I have done nothing to you ...........yet" i said making her relieved that nothing wrong happened to her "I have to leave" she stepped out of the bed  and hurriedly rushed towards the door as if , if she stayed even a second more i would eat her alive ... she was about to open it when i suddenly came infront of her with my vampire speed....i didn't like her running away from me again ..i am not letting her go away from me "where to princess" i asked her in my low  threatening voice "please " she begged...oh how much i wanted to hear her beg under me when i'll make love to her passionately and widely just like in the past  she stepped back as i  stepped towards her , it kept going on until her back hit the wall ...i then put both my hands on the wall caging her  i was looking at her trying to memorize each and every feature of hers , her eyes were closed due to fear and it made me more dominating , i was about to kiss her delicious lips when she smashed a night lamp on my head ...i was taken aback by her feisty action and she took the opportunity to escape from me..the fact that angered me the most was her trying to run away from me , i need to get this thing fit inside her head that she isn't leaving me anymore..........i didn't move to chase her because i know that her escape plan was about to be ruined and it happened soon when the guards stood in front of her  "GET.HER.BACK.TO.ME.NOW" i shouted at the guards  The two guards grabbed her and threw her on the floor ...rage filled my mind and all i could see was red dare they touch her and on top of that they dare to threw her on the floor , she is their f*****g queen and they dared to disrespect their queen and that too in front of me , they definitely earned a punishment "I never asked you to touch her...did I" i roared at the guards ....your highness we are sor-" the guards couldn't complete their sentence because before they could do so i had ripped their hearts off from their bodies . i looked at my precious mate who didn't even try to move her gaze from the ground , i knew that she must be terrified right now and why shouldn't she be after all i killed two men in front of her without even showing any mercy , but it was necessary for her to know that i am not the same , i am more cruel and much more ruthless... i know that she doesn't recognize me and i am also not going to remind her of her past , we will start a new journey ...she will have to love the devil inside me ...i'll make her I called another guards to take their bodies from the room to clean up the mess , soon the guards came and took the dead bodies away ... i then went in front of my mate who was still on her knees with her gaze locked on the floor ... "you-your highness...I – I am sorry....i didn't know you are the king " she said with fear evident in her voice , it felt so weird when she called me your highness , the girl who used to run in the whole castle teasing me with different names was now terrified of me and was calling me your highness ... "stand up" i commanded and she stood up immediately "look at me now" i ordered again but she didn't broke her one sided staring competition with the floor  "I.SAID.LOOK.AT.ME.NOW.PRINCESS" i said angrily stressing each and every word but no she was hell bent on defying me  "I SAID LOOK AT ME NOW" i roared and finally she looked at me right into my eyes with her teary eyes..she was captivating me again  i placed my fingers under her chin and with my thumb i wiped her tears "since it was your first time ....i'll let it pass but still you need to get punished" i said to her coldly  "so now " I waited as she watched me with horror "STRIP" i continued and her face paled  
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