Part 1 - Chapter 53

1994 Words

Ava POV Roy and I made our way to campus. “Ava, calm down, nothing will happen to you…” Roy whispered in my ear. It was weird to have him here instead of Adam. I tried to locate Arman, and despite feeling him near, I couldn´t see him. I am sure all those years of training are paying of, because he was like an invisible presence around me making me feel safe and comforted. “I know… but I can´t help it…” I said and he chuckled. Roy was way more serious than Adam. Adam was a true firecracker, while Roy´s calmness in the storm that was brewing around us, was close to unsettling. I gave him a side glance, “How can you be this calm?” I mumbled, and he laughed. It was a weird scene, because I had barely seen him this cheerful. “I trained my entire life to see action, and so far being Roger´

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