Part 1 - Chapter 3

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Arman POV I quickly exited the interrogation room, this mission has suddenly changed from a simple interrogation to the rescue of my mate. Yes, the girl that has been suffering at Barry´s hands, Ava, is my mate. About three months ago she ran away from the Moon Ball, an it was as if she ha vanished from the face of the City. I had been bitter, because well once I saw her an my dragon claimed her, the bond was in place, an every single f*****g time she was intimate with someone I could feel it. Because she hasn´t accepted me, it was a dull ache in my heart, but it was there, everie single f*****g night an day. I was in a sour mood and cursing my luck, because I was certain she had another male, but never in a million years I would have thought that what I was feeling was Barry sexually abusing her. f**k! Now I am livid and want his blood, she was abused constnatly. I f*****g know, I felt it every single one of those times. My pride stopped me from going after her, search for her. I was miserably thinking that she din´t want me, and that hurt me. Then when the pain started, I made up in my head the story that maybe she was married, or in a happy relationship with another human male… and instead of looking out for her, I decided to brown my sorrows in alcohol an lap dances… Dom gave me a simple instruction, take your mate away an we will rendez-vous at the safe house. It was very important that we left no trace and that we take them both away to safety. Later we would ask the right questions. Adam kept watching Barry, and after brief discusion between Ava and Barry , I decided to step in. “Excuse me, Miss…” I quickly walked towards Ava… and immediatelly Barry backed away. “Come with me…” I said taking her by her elbow and she looked at me. Her eyes full of surprise, but at the same time a hint of fear. Yes, I am my father´s son. I am tall and well built, at the Ball I had my hair longer, but in my repression, I went for a shorter look, with the sides oif my head shaved. The top was longer and I usually kept it braided. I was close to being an extra on the Viking series. “Come with me…” I took her elbow firmly, but not forcefully…I wanted to pick her up in my arms and kiss her, but there was no time, and it was definitely not the moment for it. So I had to restrain myself, and tenderly lead her away. I saw Adam closing in on Barry, he was ging to keep him busy, giving us time to leave the venue. “We need to go…” I said to Ava, and the stubborn little creature shook her head. “No, I am working… and I don´t want to get in trouble… also I need this job….” She protested, making me chuckle. My mate was feisty and determined, and I loved that about her. Even when she was in danger, she was trying to follow her escape plan, and nothing would get her away from her final goal. Knowing that I smirked, she was amazing. “My brother…” She tried a different approach, I silently nodded urging her to come with me. “He will be coming too…” I confirmed and she slowly placed her tray on a holder and followed me. We made our way to the front entrance and then a black car parked in front of us. I opened the door and pushed her inside, we had no time to waste, “Where is my brother?” she yelled, and I asked Roy to drive away, I would give her the answers she was seeking later, right now our top priority is to take her to the safe house. “Take us to the meeting point…” I said and she shot daggers at me. I am sure that with her history if abuse, she does not trust easily. “Are you going to hurt me?” She asked, her voice trembling, making my dragon whimper. We were her mates, we would lay our lives for her… it hurt us that she could think we were capable of hurting her. I tried to hold my dragon, but he pushed forward and growled, “Mate…” Adam gave me a look from the rearview mirror and chuckled. The asshole just found out my most deep secret. “Is that a yes or a no? Are you or aren´t you going to hurt me?” She asked in a rather bold voice, and I couldn´t help but look at her. Instead of answering her question, my dragon decided it was a good time for us to get closer. Somehow the i***t was swooned by her and needed her in our arms. So taking control, he picked her up and placed her on our lap. Then we nuzzled her neck, inhaling the intoxicating scent of strawberries dipped in dark chocolate. “I would never hurt you…” We finally whispered into her neck, and I could feel her shiver under my touch f**k! I so want her to be mine. “Then let me go…” she asked, and I quickly placed her on the seat next to me. For a human that is not used or does not feel the mate bond, has to be extremely awkward what just happened now. “Where are we going?” She asked, “To our meeting point…. We need to leave for a safe place as soon as possible…” I said, and she slowly nodded. “What about Roger?” She asked me and I gave her a side smirk. It annoyed me to the core, that she was worrying about another male, brother or not… they are not related… and my dragon didn´t like it. “He will be there, at the meeting point… with the rest….”I said, trying to control my urge to pick her up again and hold her close to my body. “Thanks….” She softly said, and then I realized she did not know my name. “Arman, my name is Arman…” I extended my hand and as soon as she held it, I felt her shiver and bite her lower lip… Oh yes, the more time we spend together, the more she would feel the bond. “I guess you already know, I am Ava, Ava Spencer…”She said awkwardly… and I gave her a soft smile. The car stopped, and I could see the concern written all over her face, thankfully, Dom was one step ahead and the guy greeting her was her brother Roger. She juped out of the car, and yelled, “Roger!” running into his arms and hugging him warmly. I had to look away, because it was killing me to see her this excited about another guy. “I was worried about you….we are safe, sister…” He said, “Are you sure we are safe?” She said looking around us. We were a sight to behold. Five bulky strangers surrounded them. “Yes, sis… Dominic, he sai he will ensure our safety…. We are moving to Central City…” Roger said, on a first-name basis with Dom. “But, what about our money, the savings we have… our stuff….” She starte apnicking. I could tell they had a plan, savings, and everything in place to run away at the first chance. It was a miracle that we were available to make it possible. “You will be provided with living facilities, clothing, and a job….I am sure you would start from there… and Adam just hacked your account and transferred all of your money into this Central City Bank Account…” Dom said, and I was amazed about how he had everything under control. He was becoming a true leader, and he will be an amazing king. “See, sis…. Everything is taken care of, now we need to go…” Roger said and she nodded, I could feel she was still wary about this sudden plan. “I am Dominic, this is Corey and Adam… over there there is Roy and you already met Arman… my cousin…” Dom introduced the group to her, and she nodded. “I don´t understand… why are you helping us?” she asked while we all pilled up int one SUV. “Well, Roger here was very helpful in an investigation, we needed answers and he gave them to us…” Dominic shrugged his shoulders in a cocky nonchalant way, “And also, you happen to be this dummy´s mate… so it is a must for us to protect you…” He finished, my idiotic cousin just had to reveal to the entire group what she meant to me, “What is that?” she asked not aware of what a mate is in our world. “What´s what?” Roy asked back, “A mate…” she said, her innocence captivating the entire group, while they all chuckled, mocking me, because, well they knew me, and now they knew I had to work my ass to woo her. Idiots… “You don´t know anything about shifter´s culture, traditions, and so on?” Corey asked. She shook her head, indicating she didn´t had any idea about our ways. “We are humans, and we have never been into a shifter place, well except that night that we worked at a Ball… The place was pretty… and impressive…” she said and Roger nodded. “Well, how about we take you to your new place, and then we can give you two a few pointers about us…” Dom said, and then looked at me, “Cuz, maybe Talia or Angela could help us with that?” He said, and despite me wanting to keep this a secret, I am certain my sister will be the best option to explain to her what a mate bond, how it works, and well, how it is consolidated… I nodded to Dom agreeing with him. “Anyone but your sister…” I said making Dom laugh. He knew that Iris would be way too much for a girl like Ava. “I feel you… thank all the Gods, she is mated now…” Dominic said outloud, making the rest laugh. We all admired Mat, not only becuase he was now our King and superior, but becuase he was brave enough to tame Iris. “I don´t think Angie would be available… she had a little field trip to the Mermaid Realm…” Angela and I had a great relationship, we communicated often and I was her go to guy for avice. She has grown a lot and they still treat her like a small child. She is fed up with it, and despite being a Lycan princess she wants to explore and live a little… I even adviced her a girl trip to the Mermaid Realm. “Then call, Talia…” Dominic said and I could see Adam stiffen. What is going on there? “Is the princess meeting us at the apartment?” Adam mumbled and ran his fingers through his hair… “Is there a problem, Adam?” I asked him… yeap, there was something there. “No, Sire… everything is fine…” Adam, liked my sister… Adams is the youngest one on the team, he just came into the Special Ops team from the dragon realm, he is a water dragon, while Taly, well, she shares more mom nature than dad. I am sure that when the time comes for her first shift, she won´t be able to, because I have the hunch she is an elemental angel, just like mom. I picke my phone out of my pocked and dialed my sisters number. “Hey, Taly….” I greeted her and she replied with a soft, “A? Is everytign alright?” I couldn´t tell her that no, nothing was alright. I was here with my mate, and she was a human that had been abused an ha not the slightest clue about the mate bond an what she was to me. “I need your help… baby…” I decided to go with the light version of it, and ask straightforward for her help… “I am texting you some instructions and need you to meet me at the location….” I said to her. “Don´t tel me you got one of those hookers you love to hang around pregnant?...” Tally asked and then kept going… “If that is the case, I n´t want anything to do with that s**t… Mom is going to flip…” She said, and I quickly texted her along with the instructions the simple phrase… ´I met my mate…´ She stopped her rant as soon as she read the message… she just texted a quick ´OMG´ all in capitals making me chuckle. “Alright, I will see you in a bit… I will keep this quiet… I´ve got you, A… Oh! And don´t forget Mom and Dad are expecting you for dinner.” She said, and I chuckled. Typical Mom and Dad to have family dinner once a week. “Yeah, I miss you too… maybe I can make it up tonight?” I said to her. Suddenly, I didn´t feel in the mood of going to dinner with my parents, I desperately needed to be close to Ava. “Want me to switch the day?” She said, “Yeah, sure… that would be awesome…” I said and Taly giggled. “Bye, baby…” I said to my sister and she finished the call. She already had the information and location where we planned to host Roger and Ava. “She will be there…” I said out loud…and Ava stiffened her back, her eyes showed a different feeling than before. What was it? Rage, jealousy? “Angela is our mutual cousin and Taly, she is his younger sister…” Dominic explained and she quickly blushed, making me blush. Ava closed her eyes, when Roy pushed the brakes of the SUV suddenly, bringing the vehicle to an abrupt halt. I looked around and so several cars closing our path. “Stay down… both of you…” I instructed Ava and Roger while pushing her head against the seat. I could smell her fear, but she had nothing to worry about, I would protect her. “Give the girl back…” Barry shouted out of one car. I almost chuckled. He brought a big group of guys, all combined were no match for my dragon and Dom´s angel-demon nature. I slowly opened the SUV door, and replied in a loud voice “Never…. You are neer hurting her again…” I said loud and clear. Suddenly a loud noise… ´BANG´ The f*****g i***t dare try and shoot us. Dom quickly moved around and we quickly took out all of the shooters surrounding us. We were too fast for them to aim correctly at us. We didn´t kill them just put them to sleep, later we will interrogate them. Dom and I casually walked back, “Roy, take these scumbags… we are going home…” Dom instructed Roy to take care of all of that garbage. He quickly took Barry and restrained all of the guys. The rest of our drive was quiet, and when we crossed the portal and stepped into Central City, I let out a breath of relief. Back in the human realm, we had to thread carefully because of all the accords, but here… it was our territory, and I would give my mate the safety she deserved. We stopped at the Security compound to drop the guys off… “First stop…. Thank you guys…. I will send a crew to pick out our stuff at the safe house… You have earned a few days off, so we will have a briefing meeting three days from now…. I will text you when Mat is available.” Dominic said and they waved goodbye to Corey and Adam. I noticed that Roy picked up Barry and walked with him into the compound. “Are you sure the barrack jail is enough for this scumbag?” I asked Dom, and he shrugged his shoulders, so far Barry is just a meaningless human, he should be contained in the barracks jail. “He is human… it should be enough…” Dominic replied. We drove into the heart of the city. We stopped in front of the penthoue building. We had one of the warrior quarters cleaned for them. It was on the second floor, and just an elevator trip away from me. “Come on guys…” Dominic said they quickly stepped out of the SUV following Dom. I silently walked behind them. “This are your access cards, and here is a set of keys for each one of you…. Your place is on the secind floor… I hoipe you find it comfortable…” Dominic said, I could see Ava looking around, mesmerized by the place. Roger walked close to me and sighed, “Home, sweet home…” she beamed a him. I guess he and Dom had time to talk about their future, and he knew now that they wre safe with us. Dom led the way to the second floor, and showed them around. Ava was thrilled about every single detail. He then excused himself, and I was sure he wanted to see his own mate. Once he left, I stood there at the door, seeing Ava in a completely different perspective. She is a good girl who was handed a rough hand in life, but now that she is with me, I will make sure she will never suffer again. Vicky arrived soon after Dom left. She barged in with her energy, charisma, and holding things for Roger an Ava. She was very welcoming, and despite our usual bickering, I loved her just the way I loved, Iris, Angela, and all the D´Angelo girls. Vicky kept talking, while I got lost in Ava´s soft features and lovely smile. Damn! I am falling hard for her, and I am afraid that the more time I spend with her, the more past the point of no return, I would be. Talia arrived a bit later, and then I introduced her to Roger. Roger politely excused himself, thanking Vicky for the clothes she brought for him, and made his way to his room. Talia gave me a stare intrsuting me to leave, it was time for them to take over, and try to explian everything to Ava. I sighed, and left the second floor, praying to Dagda for my mate to accept me.
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