Part 1 - Chapter 5

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Arman POV I picked up Ava and Roger, it was time to go to Iris and Mat´s place for the gender reveal party. As soon as I knocked on the door, Roger opened up. “Come in, have a seat…” He said, looking sharp in black dress trousers and a white button-down shirt. “Ava…” He called out for her, “She will be right here… you know how women take longer to get ready,” He said and I nodded. Yeah, I know, Mom and Talia always take forever to walk out of their rooms ready, and only to return because they forgot about something. “I´m coming…” She said trying to tie around her neck a little chain that complimented her dress perfectly. “Let me help…” I stood up and quickly stood behind her, taking the chain from her fingers and hooking it safely around her neck. “Thanks…” She blushed and I cleared my throat. It was a very intimate moment, you could cut the tension between us with a dull knife, and all of it in front of her brother… Damn! “Alright, let´s go…” Roger said and I nodded. Ava looked pretty, she was wearing a simple bottle green wrap arund dress. It accentuated her curves, and the length just above the knee displayed her beautiful legs. Her hair was down, and her makeup was natural with a peach-looking color on her lucious lips. She was gorgeous, and I couldn´t tell her because her brother was watching us like a hawk. I opened the passenger door for her and she climbed into the car. Roger took longer to climb into the car so I leaned down and whispered in her ear… “You look beautiful…” She gasped at my proximity, and without thinking about it I moved away. I knew she had been abused and I didn´t want to push her further than what she feels comfortable with. I started the car and headed toward the address that was sent in the family chat group. Yes, my cousins and I still have that ´cuz group´ we opened a while ago, Once upon a time, when Iris and Mat were strangers to each other, even thou they were family. “We are going to my cousin´s home… Long story short, he is our cousin, but he is not related by blood… his dad had a wife who died during childbirth, then he married my mom´s sister… In the end, he was mated to my other aunt´s daughter, Dom´s sister…” I tried to say the simpler version of the whole thing. “Anyways, Mat despite not being blood related , he has always been family to me…” I said and Ava and Roger paid attention. “And Iris…” I paused, “Well you will see, you would like her… she is a great person, with a pinch of crazy…” I finished and Ava and Roger nodded. We parked inside their estate. It was a huge property, and we had a garage to park close to the main house. “Wow, this place is huge!...” Ava said and Roger nodded. I am certain the two of them felt out of place. “Yeah… Mat, well he is kind of an important person in Central City…” I said when a guard walked to me… “Welcome, Prince Arman…” he said and saluted me, I nodded. “At ease, soldier…” I said, and he changed positions. Ava looked at me, with curiosity. I am sure she knows I am a prince, right? Dom must have briefed them. “If you are not as important as your cousin, and you are a prince, what is he a King?” Ava blurted and I nodded. “Yeah, he is actually, the King of All Supernatural Species, and he is our face and representative in front of the humans…” I said and she gasped… “Are you sure it is alright that we are here?” She asked and I nodded. “Yeah, you will get to know them, they are the most down-to-earth couple, you would see…” I said and I saw her bit her lip. I walked inside the house leading the way… Ava followed close, while Roger stood behind her. They were two fishes out of water. “Arman!” Iris quickly greeted me, she came to me wobbling. The whole place was decorated in white, black, baby blue, and soft pink… As usual, my whole family went overboard with the whole thing. “Hey, Arman…” The elder D´Angelo girl walked towards me. “Hey, Angie…” I said and she wrapped her arms around me. I felt Ava looking at us, aomsething crossed her face, buit I decided to shrug the feeling away. “Ava, Roger… this is my cousin, Angela… I call her Angie… She is Matei´s sister…” I said and then turned to Angie… “Angie, this is Ava and her brother Roger,” I said and in Angie´s eyes, realization crossed. I texted her about finding my mate, and I mentioned her name. She knew I had brought home, my other half. “It is nice to meet you, Ava!” She beamed… “Roger!, nice to meet you too…” She said politely and sat next to Ava chatting away. Angela was good at that, making people comfortable around her. “I am going to say hi to Mat and the others…” I said and Angie waved her hands at me… “You go, I have to catch up with my new friend here…” She beamed making Ava giggle. Angie was about to turn 16, but she was way more mature for her age. I was certain she would make Ava feel right at home. I made my way to meet Stavros, Grecco, Kash, and Matty… “Hey…” I said and they all greeted me back. “Is she the one?” Grecco asked and I nodded. “Yeah, but she is human, so I am trying to earn her trust…” I said and Matt patted my back… That simple gesture told me he understood what I was going through, and made me feel I would be able to conquer her. “She is pretty,” Kash said, and I nodded… “f*****g beautiful…” I corrected and Stavros chuckled… “I never thought about the day I would see you whipped for a girl…” He joked and I rolled my eyes. Yes, he and Dom knew about my party boy stage, and yes I was whipped, but no… I didn´t need him to point that out loud. “I am going to say hi to Mom and Dad…” I said and they all nodded. On my way to Mom and Dad, I greeted the rest. I saw Dominic lost, just longingly looking at Aisling, while she averted his eyes. My cousin was miserable, and she was making him suffer. I was never fond of her, and now I was simply despising the idea of she being part of my family, just the way she is making him suffer. She does not deserve a guy like my cousin. I looked around, and Ava was now talking with Vicky, Monique, Angie, and Talia… She was comfortable around them, and I saw Roger walk back with a couple of drinks. I made a mental note to introduce him to the guys… He needs to feel comfortable too, he is a huge part of Ava´s life, and I am certain he will be around a lot. Mom looked at me and beamed, yes, I was still a mommy´s boy. I didn´t want to brag about it, but I was her favorite, don´t tell Tally that, because she certainly would say she was her favorite. “Hey Mom…” I greeted her with a kiss on her cheek. “Dad…” I patted his shoulder, but he quickly pulled me in for a suffocating hug. Yes, that is my father, a very intelligent King, a ruthless warrior, and the most loving family man that has ever existed. By the way, he was funny as hell, in another life, he could have been a very successful comedian. “Dad…” I said and he laughed… “Is she the one?” Mom asked, looking over my shoulder at Ava. I nodded slightly, and she almost jumped up and down. “Mom please, she is human and we just rescued her from a very nasty situation… si give me and her time before you get all over her…” I said and she nodded… “You know, your Aunt Aqua might be able to help her… I mean, if she wants help to begin with…” Mom suggested and I nodded. “Yeah, but she just arrived yesterday, and I am giving her time to adjust… it has been a huge change for her, and…” I paused, “And?” My father looked at me, “And I want her to get used to my presence before I can even imagine being in a relationship with her…” I explained and Dad nodded. “Son, I understand that the timing sucks, but…” He paused and I knew he was going to say something that would make me angry… “But?” I lifted my eyebrows and crossed my arms in front of my chest. “But it is time for you to go to the King´s retreat… That is the last step for you to take over, and the elder council just asked me to send you… You are ready, son… but according to our traditions, you need to fulfill that requirement…” Dad said in a sad voice, knowing that I would protest, he was asking me to leave my mate behind when she is not yet, fond of me… No f*****g way… “Can it wait?” I asked and he shook his head. The King's retreat is a special rite of passage for every single King who has worn the Dragon Realms crown. They tested us in very many arenas, from law knowledge, and traditions, to strength, power, magic, capabilities, and so on and forth. It was a two to a three-month thing, in dragon time, about 2 and a half years in human time. “It is not more than 3 months…” Dad said, and I looked at him, my eyes flashing gold… “Yeah, a bit more than 2 f*****g human years away from her…” I said, my voice mixed with my dragon´s. “You will go…” Draco´s voice said, commanding me. My father just f*****g commanded me to leave my mate and attend that f*****g thing… A royal command nothing more, nothing less… something I would not be able to fight again, and something I would have to do, just because he said so. I grunted and almost growled, his eyes flashed gold, just like mine and I sighed… bowing “Yes, Your Majesty…” I said and my mom gasped. It was the first time I addressed him like that, it was also, the first time, he had commanded me as a subordinate. Just like that something shifted, my father was no longer my father, he was my King… “Alexander!...” Mom looked at him, and he lowered his gaze… He knew he had screwed big time…. I had the utmost trust, and I always thought of him as my best friend, but a friend would never force you to do something against your will, something that in the end will hurt you… No, a friend would have turned around and set the council straight, instead of commanding me. “I need a drink… “ I said, and bowing at him, “If you excuse me, Your Majesty…” I said turning my back towards them. I could feel my mother´s pain radiating out of her, but he just did it… I made my way toward Ava, my dragon furious about what he had to do. “Roger, let me introduce you to the guys…” I said and he looked at Ava. She gave him a nod and he stood up and followed me. “Are you alright?” He asked me, and I realized that he had been observing me He knew something had happened. “How much did Dominic tell you?” I asked back, “That he is the future Demon King… his sister is mated to the King, and that you are….” He paused, “The future Dragon King…” I said and he gasped… I guess that was not what he told him. “Ava´s mate…” He said, and I nodded, but those statements were true. “Anyway I just got orders, and I have to leave…” I said, giving Ava a side glance… “My family, and by that I mean my cousins and Matty… I mean the King will ensure you and Ava have a job and education, and you already have a roof over your heads…” I pointed out and he nodded. “That is very generous of you…” He said and I shook my head… “No, Ava is my mate… she should be getting more than that… but for that to happen, I need to go…” I said and he nodded understanding partially the situation. “She is attracted to you…” He said, and I hated the fact that she needed me to heal her, and I was leaving her… “Well, it is the mate bond, and I am certain she is not ready for a relationship…” I said and he nodded, In the end, maybe some time alone for her to heal, could be good for us, but I didn´t want to abandon her… Not now, not ever. “When are you leaving?” He asked… “Tomorrow…” I said, with a grim expression. I turned around and walked towards the guys… “Guys…let me introduce you, Roger, he is Ava´s brother…” I said and then looked at the guys, “Roger, this are Cadmus, Darius, Stephan, Angelo…” I paused, “They are Matei´s close friends…” I said and they all nodded… “Over here we have, Grecco, Stavros and Matei..” I paused, “They are my Lycan cousins, and Mat here is the big shot around…” I joked and he rolled his eyes… “I can still beat the crap out of you, Mr. Golden Dragon…” He said lifting his beer and taking a big swig out of it. “And you already know Dom…” I said and Roger nodded. “Nice to meet you all…” He said and they all started talking away. “Mat…” I called out for his attention… He said lifting his eyebrow… “I am leaving…” I said and he scrunched his eyebrows, “Dad commanded me,” I added and his jaw dropped. My father had never been the guy who forced things on others… it was a shock and a surprise to all of us. “Want me to talk to him about it?” He asked, knowing that I would have to leave my mate behind. What I was going to go through no human would be able to survive it. “No, what I need is for them to be OK…” I said and he nodded. “Job, education… all of it…” I said and he nodded. “I will take care of it… Do you know what level of education they have?” He asked me… “Nothing higher than High School…” I said giving him my best bet. He nodded. “I will as Stavros to find them both a position in our company…” he said, “Maybe Angelo? Both of them have experience in catering and the service industry…” I said and he nodded. “Good… and I will grant them full scholarships to Central U…” He said and I nodded. “Thanks…” I said taking a big gulp out of my beer. “No worries, that´s what family is for…” He patted my back, while I looked out, and above all the heads, I could see my father´s regretful eyes staring back at me. We sat to eat dinner, and we had a blast revealing the gender of the little demon our little demon was carrying around. Poor Mat, he soon would be outnumbered, and if that girl is anything close to the mother… well I feel for him… Iris was a handful, and their baby is going to be something close to that. I saw Ava sigh, after the reveal, and I made my way close to her. “Hey…” I said and she looked at me, she drowned a little yawn, and I knew it was time to leave. Roger was having a blast with Cadmus and Angelo… “Want to leave?” I asked her and she nodded slowly… and then she looked at Roger. “They all live at the Penthouse level… let me ask them to give him a lift if he wants to stay longer…” I said and she nodded. I made my way towards the guys, and Cadmus quickly jumped up offering him a lift to the building. Roger was more than elated, and all the guys were completely welcoming of him. I waved goodbye, and walked towards Ava… “Done…” I said and she nodded. She looked at the girls and standing up, she waved goodbye. She made her way toiIris and congratulated her again for the baby girl, and she gave a courtesy bow at Mat. Mat just smiled at her, knowing that with time that formality would vanish. “Let´s go…” I said letting her walk in front of me. Her scent invaded my senses, and my dragon wanted to mark her now before we had to leave. I opened her door and she climbed into the car. I made my way to the driver´s side and started the engine. “Is something going on?” She asked me, and I looked at her. “Why do you ask?” I gave her a side glance, not taking away my attention from the road. “Because I saw you uncomfortable…” She answered, and I sighed, the mate m¿bond made it more evident, and I had to drop the awful news to her… Awful for me, because as a human, she does not feel the same way for me as I do for her. “I just had a little argument with my father…” I said, “Was it about me and Roger?” She hesitated, f**k, does she thinks she and her brother got me in trouble? “No, not at all…” I paused, “But how about we talk about it when we get to your place…” I said and she nodded. “We still have about 30 minutes to go… why don´t you rest a little?” I suggested and she leaned her head back, falling asleep immediately. f**k, she is the most adorable creature, and she was all mine… Damn! I didn´t want to leave her. We finally arrived at the apartment building, and I softly shook her shoulder, “Ava… we are here…” I said and she opened her eyes and yawned. “I am sorry, I was really tired…” she said and I walked to her door and opened it up for her. She walked out of the car, and we made our way to the second-floor corridor. She stopped in front of her door and opened the door. “Please, come in… you wanted to tell me something…” She said, and I nodded, gulping down because it would tear me apart to leave her behind. I sat on a chair in the living room, she sat on the couch just across from me… “Ava, I believe Talia and Vicky talked to you about the mate bond…” I said and she nodded lowering her gaze. “Well, I don´t want to, but as a dragon, I need to follow the commands given to me, from the King himself…” I said and she looked at me… “Your father, the King?” She gasped, and I nodded… “Yeah, I am a Prince… and next in line for the crown…” I said and she nodded. “Are you going to reject me? Did your father command you to do it?” She said and little tears brimmed her eyes. I quickly took her hands in mine… “Never… the mate bond is sacred, even for dragons, it is beyond his power to command such a thing…” I said and she nodded, letting out a deep breath. “But, as part of my final training, I have to go through a King´s retreat… it will be 3 dragon months tops…” I said and she nodded. “And how are dragon months, different from regular ones?” She asked, the cutest question of all. Damn, she is perfect. “About 2.4 human years…” I said and she gasped. “That is too long? Are you allowed to come back?” She asked and I slowly shook my head. “I didn´t want to go, that´s why I argued with my father, and he ended up pushing his will with a royal command. My dragon would be in pain if I don´t follow through with his order… but I will be in pain because I will be leaving you…” I said and she closed her eyes, a silent tear running down her eyes. “I barely know you, but I feel safe around you…” She said and I held her hands in mine. I have just met her and she held my heart in those two small hands. “You will be safe here… Mat already knows and he will make sure you two have a part-time job and a scholarship to Central U… this place is yours, rent-free… you just have to pay for your food and bills…” I said and she nodded. “Is it crazy to say that I am going to miss you?” She asked, I cupped her cheek, cleaning with the pad of my thumb another treacherous tear. “No, not at all… because I will miss you too…” I said picking her hand and giving her a chaste kiss. “I have to go… I need to be at the dragon realm first thing tomorrow morning…” I said not wanting to stay any longer because I didn´t trust myself around her. She nodded and followed me to the door. “See you,” I winked trying to be casual about it, and not show her how hard it was for me to walk away. I turned around and then she said, “Arman…” I stopped in my tracks and when I turned around she ran towards me and wrapped her arms around me… She looked up at me, “Promise me, you will be back…” She said, “I promise, Ava… I will be back…” I kissed her forehead sealing my promise. “I have to go,” I said with a strained voice, and she nodded. “Be safe…” She said and I gave her a quick nod, I turned around, not wanting to stay any longer because if I stayed I would not be able to leave.
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