Personal Maid

1845 Words
Vanessa’s POV Returning to the Blood Moon Pack after my father informed me of Frida's passing seemed like a misguided decision. Despite her illness, I had only reached out to her once, and her joy at hearing from me weighed heavily on my conscience. For two years, I had cut off all contact with everyone, including my parents. I needed that time to myself, away from the probing questions and judgment that would inevitably follow. I wasn't ready to confront the reasons for my sudden departure, nor did I want to explain the complexities of my relationship with Alfie. I hadn't even told my parents about Alfie being my mate and his subsequent rejection. It seemed pointless, only serving to disrupt the harmonious relationships they had with others in the pack. My father's close friendship with the Alpha only added to my reluctance to disclose the truth. The thought of my father potentially cutting Alfie out of his life because of our situation weighed heavily on me. I couldn't bear the idea of causing any more discord within the pack. I hadn't revealed the truth about Alfie to my parents, and it seemed he hadn't either, as they hadn't inquired about him when I reconnected with them. My years in the human world had shifted my perspective on many things, leading me to pursue a career as a tattoo artist. It was a decision I didn't regret; the job offered good money, and I found fulfillment in my artistic talents. Frida's passing hit me hard, stirring up feelings of guilt and regret that drove me to make the journey back to Blood Moon Pack from Canada. I didn't plan to stay long, hence my minimal packing, intending to mourn briefly before visiting my parents and then returning to Canada. But facing a half-naked Alpha Alexander now, I found myself questioning every decision I had made. Why did he have to look so damn attractive? I scolded myself for staring, but it was difficult to tear my gaze away. Even Evie's uneasiness with lust couldn't deter my wandering thoughts. It seemed I was a lost cause. As I reflect on the complex dynamics between Alpha Alexander, Alfie, and myself, I can't help but notice the familiarity of certain feelings resurfacing. The tug I felt in his embrace earlier echoes a similar sensation from four years ago, when he offered solace after Alfie's betrayal. Despite Alfie's resemblance to Frida, it's Alpha Alexander who exudes a different kind of allure—an ageless magnetism that transcends mere physicality. His broad stature and rugged charm, combined with the maturity etched into his features, create an undeniable presence. And those icy blue eyes, commanding and captivating, seem to hold a depth of experience that only adds to his appeal. At forty-something, Alpha Alexander possesses a timeless attractiveness that I find oddly compelling. Perhaps it's the wisdom and depth behind those knowing eyes that draws me in, or the magnetic aura of authority he exudes. Whatever the reason, I can't deny the pull he has on me, despite my attempts to resist. I haven't seen Alfie but I have seen a glimpse of Amelia at the graveyard, tears staining her cheeks, fills me with a mixture of longing and guilt. I've missed my best friend terribly, and I can only hope she won't be too angry with me for leaving without a word. As my thoughts drift back to Alpha Alexander, I can't help but feel a sense of dread wash over me. Crushing on my best friend's father and my Alpha feels like a betrayal of the highest order. I swallow hard, feeling the weight of embarrassment settle heavily upon me. This is my father's best friend, after all. Despite my inner turmoil, Evie remains resolutely human, refusing to shift into her wolf form. I can't help but wonder how Alfie will react when he discovers I still haven't shifted. The thought of his potential mockery sends a sharp pang of insecurity through me, reinforcing the painful reminder of his rejection. “He told me I was a liability and that alone sent a pang to my chest”. Evie stopped roaming and sat still in my head then she growled deep and possessive. "MATE!" The sudden realization that Alpha Alexander is my mate sends a shockwave of disbelief and confusion through me. His eyes, shifting from icy blue to golden, confirm the truth, but his subsequent loss of consciousness leaves me stunned and uncertain. As I grapple with the weight of this revelation, Evie's growl reverberates in my mind, her possessive instinct asserting itself. But her agitation mirrors my own, and I struggle to make sense of what just occurred. Was it only me who felt the intensity of the bond between us? Or did Alpha Alexander's wolf also recognize the connection? "Evie, what the hell?" I demand, my voice tinged with frustration and uncertainty. "What?" She responds, equally agitated. It's clear that neither of us knows how to navigate this unexpected turn of events. As the reality of being mated to Alpha Alexander sinks in, I'm overwhelmed by a torrent of conflicting emotions. How could this be happening? My mate is supposed to be Alfie, who rejected me without hesitation. And now, I find myself bonded to his father, the last person I ever expected. Evie's directive to drown my sorrows in whiskey offers a temporary escape, and I numb my senses until I can barely feel my own body. I just want to shut out the world, to escape the relentless complications that seem to plague my life at every turn. But even in my intoxicated state, I can't escape the weight of my situation. How did I end up mated to my best friend's father? To my father's closest confidant? And worst of all, to the father of the man who rejected me? I groan as I awaken to the sensation of a naked body pressed against mine. Panic sets in as I realize the implications of my actions. Did I sleep with someone in my drunken stupor? As I struggle to process the situation, my heart sinks with the realization that I'm still a virgin and now find myself naked in Alpha Alexander's study, with him lying beside me. Panic courses through me as I try to make sense of what happened, but the throbbing headache and the push of his body against mine only add to my disorientation. I scramble to sit up, but my efforts are futile as I fall to the floor with a thud. Determined, I push myself up again, only to come face to face with the shocking reality—I'm naked, and so is Alpha Alexander. My mind races as I try to comprehend the gravity of the situation. This cannot be happening. I repeat the word like a mantra, hoping to dispel the nightmare unfolding before me. As Alpha Alexander slowly blinks awake, confusion evident in his eyes, I feel a wave of dread wash over me. His gaze trails down my naked body and back up again, his expression shifting from confusion to something harder, more guarded. "What happened here?" he asks, wincing as he touches the back of his head and struggles to his feet. The air is thick with tension as we both grapple with the unsettling reality of our predicament. The realization hits me like a freight train—I've lost my virginity to Alpha Alexander, and the evidence of our encounter is smeared with blood on the couch where he lay. The throbbing ache between my thighs serves as a painful reminder of what transpired. As Alpha Alexander's eyes narrow in on the bloodstained couch, a primal growl rips from his throat, sending shivers down my spine. It's the kind of growl that triggers an instinctual response to cower and submit, and I find myself whimpering in fear. His voice cuts through the tense silence like a blade, filled with anger and accusation. "What did you do, Vanessa?" he demands, his tone laced with fury as he hastily pulls on his sweatpants. I open my mouth to respond, but no words come out. My voice fails me in the face of his wrathful gaze, and tears stream down my face uncontrollably. It's been years since I last cried, but in this moment, all I want to do is surrender to the overwhelming flood of emotions crashing down upon me. Alpha Alexander's rage fills the room, his words echoing with contempt and disbelief. His hand tightens around my neck, cutting off my air supply as he stares at something on my neck with a mixture of horror and fury. I instinctively reach for the tender spot on my neck, confirming the presence of a mark. His grip tightens further, squeezing the breath from my lungs as his eyes bore into mine with seething intensity. The realization hits me like a sledgehammer—Alpha Alexander has marked me as his mate against his will, and the betrayal in his eyes is a gut-wrenching blow. "W-we are—are ma-mates," I manage to stutter out, my voice strained and choked. But his response is merciless, filled with raw anger and rejection. "I don't want a f*****g mate! I don't want you!" he screams, his words laced with venom and disdain. In that moment, as his hatred sears through me, I realize that the bond between us is not one of love, but of tragedy and despair. And as the weight of his rejection settles upon my shoulders, I feel the crushing weight of loneliness and heartache bear down upon me. As I struggled to catch my breath, Alpha Alexander released his grip on my neck and shoved me away, causing me to fall back onto the floor with a painful thud. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I grappled with the overwhelming pain and despair coursing through me. I remained on my knees, waiting for another wave of rejection to wash over me, but it never came. Instead, the heavy silence was punctuated by Alpha Alexander's ragged breathing as he attempted to regain his composure, albeit unsuccessfully. My neck throbbed with pain, a physical reminder of the brutality of his rejection. In a voice filled with bitterness and resentment, Alpha Alexander delivered his final blow. "This is going to be your personal hell, Vanessa. You have dug your own grave! Instead of being my mate, you are going to be my personal maid. Spoiler, your life is going to be hell." With those words hanging heavily in the air, he left the study, locking me inside with my torment. The weight of his condemnation crushed me, leaving me to grapple with the harsh reality of my fate. And as if the pain weren't enough, the bitter sting of betrayal cut even deeper when my own parents blamed me for the turmoil that had engulfed our lives. It was a cruel twist of fate, leaving me to bear the burden of their disappointment and disapproval alone.
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