Stalking my little mate

1317 Words
Alpha Alexander’s POV Vanessa remains on the floor, struggling to dress herself for over thirty minutes. The sight tugs at my conscience, stirring a mix of guilt and confusion within me. I'm lost in a maze of conflicting emotions, unsure of how to navigate this unfamiliar territory. Despite my uncertainty, one thing remains clear: Vanessa is now my mate, bound to me by fate's unyielding decree. It's a reality I can't escape, no matter how much I may wish otherwise. And in my misguided attempt to shield her from judgment and scrutiny, I've resorted to drastic measures. The decision to make her my maid weighs heavily on my shoulders, a choice driven by a desire to protect her from the prying eyes and whispered gossip of my children and the pack. I fear their judgment, their misunderstanding of a situation they may never fully comprehend. As I contemplate the implications of my actions, a sense of dread washes over me. How will I explain this to Alfie and Amelia, my own flesh and blood? Though they may no longer reside under my roof, their perception of Vanessa will undoubtedly be colored by the rumors and speculation that are sure to circulate. It's a precarious situation, one fraught with uncertainty and potential consequences. Yet, in this moment, all I can do is trust my instincts and pray that my misguided attempts at protection will shield Vanessa from further harm. Whether she will see it that way remains to be seen. But I can't keep Vanessa's situation hidden from her parents, especially not from her father, Beta Stefan Grey. He's a man of complexities, a decade my senior, who found his mate later in life. Their journey to parenthood was fraught with challenges, with his mate struggling to conceive for years before finally giving birth. While Stefan may not be my closest confidant, our bond stretches back through the years. He guided me through the intricacies of assuming the alpha mantle after Frida's father's passing, imparting invaluable wisdom about leading our pack and the responsibilities that come with it. Our relationship is built on mutual respect and trust, but I can't predict how he'll react to Vanessa's predicament. Deep down, I've harbored a longing to find my own mate, a desire that has simmered beneath the surface for years. But out of loyalty and gratitude to Frida, I suppressed those yearnings, unwilling to betray the woman who took in a lone rogue from the woods and chose him as her mate, despite other eligible suitors in her pack. It's a debt of honor I can never repay, but one that weighs heavily on my conscience as I navigate this new chapter with Vanessa. She desired me and was prepared to fight for our connection. In turn, I reciprocated those feelings. However, as time passed, I found myself resisting the idea of finding my mate. I yearned for solitude, craving freedom from the weight of additional responsibilities. Despite being a werewolf alpha at forty-two, a relatively young age in our kind's lifespan, I felt burdened by the weight of my experiences. The trials I've endured have left me feeling weary, unable to continue. Frida's parting words lingered in my mind: "Seek out your mate, Alexander. Though I can't say where or how, I'm certain she awaits you. Don't waste your time convincing yourself otherwise, especially after what we shared. When you encounter her, you'll realize our connection pales in comparison to the bond between fated mates. It's an unparalleled beauty you deserve to experience. Don't hold back any longer. Pursue your happiness." Her words echoed, urging me to embrace the possibility of finding true companionship, even as I grappled with my own doubts and fears. But how am I supposed to do that? Maybe because she couldn't have foreseen the twist of fate that led me to Vanessa Grey, the girl we helped raise. She was once the little girl we babysat, who sought comfort in my arms when her toys broke or got lost. I even changed her diaper once. Frida couldn't have imagined I'd end up with Vanessa. She'd probably be astonished at what transpired between us the night before. I'm still trying to grapple with the reality of it all, hoping it's just a cruel twist of fate. I can't bear to believe it's true, especially the marking part. When Vanessa arrived yesterday, I was taken aback by how much she had changed. There were no marks on her neck, no scent of another male's mate. She was mateless the night before, yet she woke up marked, her hymen intact. It's unfathomable. I can't believe I did that. And how is she still a virgin at twenty-two? I can't help but wonder, even though I'd rather not dwell on such details. Amelia, her sister, likely experienced that long ago, but Vanessa seems indifferent to finding her mate. Maybe she doesn't want one in her life? Some females are like that. Or perhaps she's been rejected? No, she would have confided in me if that were the case. She's closer to me than her own mother. Amelia is a daddy's princess, while Alfie is a mommy's boy. Returning to the present, I see Vanessa, still fatigued and disoriented, searching for her clothes strewn across the room as if they were discarded by some possessed force. Me. Did I really do that? Why would I consciously undress her, knowing it's completely inappropriate? Drunk or not, I recognized Vanessa by her familiar scent and the unique hue of her eyes. They're captivating, unequalled. Her scent, intoxicating. I've always been drawn to it, but now it overwhelms me. The air is thick with the sweet aroma of honey and milk, a harmonious blend that stirs desire and longing. Each breath fills me with a craving beyond the scent alone. It's like honey and milk hold the key to unspoken desires, tempting me to indulge in their warmth and sweetness, igniting a stirring within me. The scent speaks a silent language, conveying a deep understanding and wrapping me in a comforting familiarity. It whispers of intimacy, leaving behind promises I can't quite recall fulfilling. "Look at that!" Hunter's voice echoes in my mind, catching me off guard. "Leave it," I scold him internally, trying to resist the urge to look. As Vanessa retrieves her clothes, I find myself unable to tear my gaze away. She slips on a short-sleeved cropped top, concealing her nakedness. I almost resent her for depriving me of that sight, but I quickly reel in my thoughts. What am I even thinking? Resenting her for covering herself after what happened? Damn it. "I thought you could fight the mating bond. Let's see how that goes," Hunter taunted in my mind, his presence like an unwelcome heckler. "Shut up," I retort, refusing to let his words get under my skin. Vanessa lingered in her crop top longer than necessary before donning her jeans jumpsuit. Where are her panties? Does she usually travel without them? My gaze lands on a black thong near the desk, unnoticed by her amidst the clutter. Part of me hopes she doesn't find it. Damn. As she fastens her jumpsuit, I feel a pang of disappointment, knowing the bold Vanessa I encountered earlier is fading away. Will she revert to her former self, or will she remain changed? I can't help but appreciate this version of her, adorned with tattoos. I focus on the tree tattoo on her shoulder, wondering if it signifies our pack or something else. Her mark, unmistakably visible, dominates my thoughts. "Blaming her for your own actions?" Hunter's mocking voice interrupts, but I refuse to engage. I observe as Vanessa ties her hair into a bun and settles on the carpet, knees to her chest, tears still flowing. It's time to call her parents, but first, there's something I must do.
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