Accepted Rejection

1483 Words
Vanessa’s POV Seeking solace in the familiarity of my parents' home, I bypassed the alpha's residence entirely. As the beta's daughter, it wasn't a difficult decision. After a quick shower, I slipped beneath the covers, seeking refuge in sleep. I'm not one to shed tears easily, but that doesn't mean I'm not heartbroken. The pain is tangible—my chest aches, my eyes sting, even my body feels tender with the weight of it all. Attempting to breathe, I find myself hyperventilating, the onslaught of emotions overwhelming me. Slowly, I lower myself to the floor, curling into a ball as I try to regain control of my breathing. Panic attacks are familiar territory for me, a constant companion in times of distress. Rejection from the pack I've called home my entire life cuts deeper than I'd care to admit. Feeling betrayed by my lifelong best friend only added to the anguish. Was our friendship merely a facade, a product of our parents' positions in the pack hierarchy? The thought is like a knife twisting in my gut. Suddenly, Evie's voice breaks through the turmoil in my mind, urging me to calm down before I faint. Startled, I comply, focusing on her soothing words as I try to steady my breathing. "In and out. In and out," she guides me gently, her voice a lifeline in the darkness of my despair. Following her instructions, I gradually regain control, though the weight of the pain remains heavy on my chest. Exhausted, I eventually drift into unconsciousness, finding solace in sleep. When I awaken in the middle of the night, the turmoil within me persists. Seeking refuge once more, I retreat to the ensuite and immerse myself in another bath, hoping to find some semblance of calm amidst the chaos of my emotions. It's all just too much to bear. With a heavy heart and a determination born from betrayal, I make a decision that will surely upset my parents and defy the expectations of the pack—I'm leaving. I can't bear to remain in a place where I feel so utterly betrayed. He had told me countless times how beautiful and amazing I was, yet when faced with the reality of our bond, he turned away. Was it because I couldn't shift? The question gnawed at me, fueling the anger that coursed through my veins, manifesting in tears that streaked down my cheeks as I packed my belongings into large suitcases. The thought of spending another moment in this place, in his presence, suffocated me. I had to get away. "I won't stop you, but are you sure this is what you want?" Evie's voice breaks the silence, uncertain yet supportive. I pause, my hands stilling as I consider her question. Despite the uncertainty of the path ahead, one thing is clear—I can't stay here any longer. With a nod, I resume packing, steeling myself for the journey ahead. With a sharp retort, I affirm my decision, the words carrying more force than I intended, but I'm beyond the point of apologies. As the sun rises, casting its light on the new day, I know my parents are likely back in the house. Unable to face them, I quietly slip out of my room, making my way to my father's safe. With a sense of urgency, I retrieve a wad of cash, knowing it will help me on my journey. Outside, my new car awaits, a gift from my father for my birthday. I hastily load my suitcases into the trunk, shivering in the cold morning air as I climb into the driver's seat. With a last glance at the house I grew up in, I pull out of the driveway, the weight of my decision heavy on my shoulders. For a moment, I entertain the idea of driving to the farthest city, escaping the pain and betrayal that haunt me. But then, a new resolve takes hold. I change course, deciding to confront Alfie one last time. I need closure, to accept his rejection and move forward. If he thinks I'll spend another moment crying over him, he's sorely mistaken. It's time to show him that I'm stronger than he ever gave me credit for. As I made my way through the familiar halls of the alpha's house, determination fueled my steps. This time, I wasn't going to be the accommodating, people-pleasing girl everyone expected me to be. Alfie deserved to see a different side of me, one that wasn't afraid to stand up for myself. Parking my car out of sight, I entered the house without bothering to knock. I knew I was always welcome here. The corridors were deserted as I headed towards Alfie's room, a room I knew as well as my own. But before reaching his door, I paused outside Amelia's room. Guilt washed over me at the thought of leaving my other best friend behind because of her brother's actions. She was going to be hurt, and I hated myself for it. But this was something I needed to do for myself—for once, I wanted to be selfish. Pushing open the door to Alfie's room, I froze at the sight before me. Despite my determination not to cry, tears streamed down my cheeks uncontrollably. As I stood there, stunned by the sight before me, my friend Emily—whom I always thought of as shy and reserved—was smiling at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes. It dawned on me then that Alfie must have confided in her about me being his mate. Alfie, his naked chest on display, lay atop Emily, their intimacy glaringly obvious. Despite the shock of seeing him like this, I couldn't deny the attraction I'd always felt towards him, even in this moment. For the first time, I saw Alfie half-naked, his lean physique revealed, and although it should have mattered, it didn't change how I felt. But Emily's mocking words shattered the fragile composure I had left. "Hi, Nessa! Are you here to beg him to be your mate?" Her tone cut through me, a cruel reminder of the rejection I'd faced. Alfie's dismissive remark cut through the air, his eyes rolling as he disentangled himself from Emily's embrace. I felt like a statue, unable to comprehend the surreal scene unfolding before me. Everyone I thought I knew seemed to have changed in a matter of hours. Emily's sharp words snapped me back to reality, my bravado evaporating into thin air. I stood there, speechless and humiliated, as she taunted me with her arms wrapped around Alfie. "I-I..." I stuttered, feeling utterly foolish and powerless. Where had my confidence gone? I cursed inwardly. Emily's mocking laughter only added to my humiliation. "I can see why you rejected her without a second thought," she giggled, her words like daggers to my already wounded pride. "Yeah?" Alfie turned to her, oblivious to my presence as he leaned in to kiss her. "Hmm. When will you mark me?" She asked, tilting her head to the side to stare into his eyes. "After she leaves." He said with a grin. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks—Alfie was going to mark Emily, even though she wasn't his mate. The betrayal cut deeper than I could have ever imagined. Evie's voice echoed in my head, urging me to accept the painful reality and leave before I could humiliate myself further by begging Alfie to reconsider. It took all my strength to quell the tears streaming down my cheeks, though my eyes still burned with unshed emotion. No more tears for these betrayers, these cheaters. With a steady voice that belied the turmoil raging inside me, I addressed Alfie and Emily. "I, Vanessa Grey, accept the rejection to be your mate and future Luna, Alfie Black." Their shock was palpable, but I didn't linger to witness their reactions. Turning on my heels, I fled down the stairs, leaving behind a small note for Amelia, hoping she would understand my decision. It was time for me to leave this place of pain and betrayal behind. As I stumbled, I collided with what I initially thought was a wall, but it swiftly enveloped me in strong, reassuring arms. The scent of sandalwood and pure masculinity washed over me, evoking a strange sensation deep within. I looked up to find Alpha Alexander gazing down at me with genuine concern in his striking icy blue eyes. "Are you okay, Nessa?" he asked, his voice laced with worry. I found myself clinging to him, seeking solace in his comforting embrace. "It's going to be alright," he whispered soothingly, his hand rubbing circles on my back. Surprisingly, his words carried a sense of reassurance that eased the turmoil within me. For some reason, I believed him. Yes, everything is going to be alright.
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