2117 Words
Christabel squeezed her eyes open "What the hell happened"? She tried to recall all that took place, she stares into the ceiling, she began to recall all that happened, Kaneki thrown her out of the window. She remembers , she was falling down from the school building with her heart beating in seconds then suddenly from nowhere a girl comes saving her, she has a red French hair, blue eyes similar to mine, pale face,she was beautiful and kind of mean, then another guy stood in front of me. "She will be an hindrance, let's knock her out" those are words that came out from his mouth I tried to talk to them but I was knocked out to sleep, he was on a trench coat with Exorcist letters on his back, I blank out and became weak, I only remember flashes of memories. Kaneki pick me and started running till finally at the old abandon school, we walked through the hallway and when I opened my blurring eyes again. A black hand was trying to break the barrier placed by those exorcist, and I saw her, the urban ghost staring her red eyes at me, out of shock I fainted. She suddenly stood up from the bed as she remember ejiro crying when she was thrown out the window. "Kurosaki," "were his he" ' she jumps out of bed only to fall on the ground. Haaaaa my leg, my ankle, she looked at her surroundings, a squared room with bed at the window, reading desk opposite of the bed. This is ejiro room, she was wearing a white blue strip pajama, she recalls, Wait the last time I recall I was on school uniform. Uh' did ejiro undress me. Never mind "We're is he". She leap to the door and open it. She looks around and search the house, then she open a brown door.it was a large room with big bed. It was like a matrimonial room for married couples with a huge wardrobe, most of the things in room, chairs, table, war picture, cupboard was covered in white sheets, it looks as if the room was kept sparkly clean and untouched, there was a huge bed with square window, Eijiro was soundly a sleeping, she silently leap her way to his bed, sat on the bed beside ejiro who was sleeping face front, his back on the bed. She gaze on to his faces, small scars on his face, though healed but not completely heal, she gently touch his faces as small tear drop rolls down to her chin, she remembers all the time ejiro risk his life for her and how he jump from the second floor to the sport building, his tears and screams for her when she was thrown out the window like someone who lost his mind. She rub her hands gently on his face to his chin. The room window by the left side of the Duo with bright white light filtered in to the room, light shone to eji's body structure with Christabel crying, fresh morning wind blows with white bright light to the curtains from the window were the duo was sitting. The light shone brighter on eji faces waking him up from his sleep, gently he open his eyes. The white curtain blows from the window above his face, he was wearing white t shirt and black pant, he turn his face left, he feels a soft sensation on his faces, Christabel with her yellow braids, tears flowing down her chick from her bright blue eyes. Morning my shinning knight, she smiles, eji sits up hugging her tightly, "I thought I lost you "am so sorry I failed my promise to protect you ".eji spoke "No, you did just fine, thank you so much for being there in my life and I have always wanted to say this to you". "I love you ejiro" .christabel whisper to eji ears. "I love you with all my life eji replied .the duo stares at each other faces in a romantic atmosphere silently smiling .eji flips strands of hair,, he gently touch her cheek and final they did what their heart wanted to do for a long time. The strong wind blows the white curtain with bright white light filterened through the window on the duo as the duo kissed. ... After the romantic atmosphere, christabel and eji walks out for some groceries, they decided to spend the day together not going to school, their bodies were yet to fully heal and Christabel's ankle got a little better, she decided to go home to change and also inform her auntie about all that went down, eji returned to his house after escorting his princess. Soon, eji felt really dizzy and he slept on the chair in the living room. A hand appears above his heads as he sleeps. Then he began to dream. Eji was standing on the roof of a tall skyscraper, his widened in shock, it was like a doomsday apocalypse in the city, and the city was bloodshot red, so red that the reflection on pedestrian was as if they had being painted with blood, no city light, the street was painted with thick darkness and dark red color, wrecked tall skyscraper, some pedestrian running to and from in confused state as towered buildings and sky scrapers began to collapse on them. Eji looks up, his wide open from the terror and shock he was looking at. The cloud was painted with thick darkness,in the center of that darkness, a huge red eye glared at the city as two supernatural humanoid creature fights for dominance. Like superman and villains fight so was the battle. One of the human creature was tossed into the air with a wind ability, descending with intense speed crashing on city skyscraper hitting the ground, then he suddenly got up as if nothing had just happened, lightening was coming out from his eyes to his body, as he ascends with a flash appearing in a distance opposite a woman humanoid creature both floating in the air. The woman had seven eyes, one in her forehead with red colors similar to the one in the skies. Other eyes were left and rght with with red glow. She has two huge horn jolting out of her head with long white hair reaching her shoulders. A garment with black and red colors, hands and feet blacks to with sharp claws, pale skin. " African Deity of thunder and lightning, Sango you will pay with your life, you have killed all my relations and family, I won't allow you to kill Zameal my daughter, I will destroy you ,she howl at him". Then Sango spoke " I am justice. I was summon to wipe out your family for the crimes, your family ancestral deity has cause. As a deity of justice” lightning and thunder began to clap and roar from his dark skin. "I must destroy you". they duo accelerate in speed fighting, the battle took seven days and seven night, Sango sensing that the humans who was afraid and in despair makes the woman stronger, if the battle was to continue more days, he will be over powered by her. Sango open a realm portal, a lightening in shape of a lion push the woman into the portal as Sango flew into the black void and sealed the portal taking half the city scrapers with him. Eji squeezed his eyes open. Vivian was staring at him, sited in a chair in the living room, the room was a regular living room with red and white colour set of chairs, a TV set by the wall, pictures of a family hangs in the walls with a dinner table In a small space close to the room. WHAT DID YOU THINK ABOUT THE DREAM Vivian question Eji eyes widened because he had thought she had vanished after the battle. "Vivian" "I thought you have gone to heaven or someplace where you good go". I WILL EVENTUALLY, THAT IS IF MY TASK IS COMPLETE. "Task? Eji questioned YES, IT REGARDS TO THAT DREAM I SHOW YOU, UNTIL THAT DEMON WITH THE EYES IS DESTROYED, I CANT GO, I HAVE TO DESTROY HER FOR MY SOUL TO REST IN PEACE. Eji eyes wide open as he heard that demon was Vivian grandmother, " so what you are saying is that your grandma merge with the demon, the battle, Benin metropolis has destroyed, has it happened already or is going to happen in the future? , IT HAPPENED IN THE PAST, A LIGHTENING DEITY CALLED SANGO OF AFRICAN WAS INVOKED BY A FAMILY TO DESTROY MY GRANDMOTHER. I DONT KNOW WHAT TRANSPIRED BUT WE NEED TO GO SEE MY MOTHERS YOUNGER SISTER ZAMEAL. Eji confused rubbed his face, "Things keep piling up and even more complicated, first it was the urban ghost and now this, a demon. How do you expect me to fight that thing?" "That's why you need to start training" historian cuts in walking with her pajamas to the living room, exorcist are the exorcism of the world, it was their responsibility since the time was created. "But am not an exorcist, am just wrap up in all this" "You are wrong" i believe you are jorromi incarnated, there are far more harsh battle to fight than that demon." "Incarnated” what do you mean? Eji questioned "Well I can't explain cause I don't know all but my mother does, that why she ask me to find you. It's concerning an apocalypse, a doomsday that's is going to happen predicted by the our elder and the only boy who can turn the apocalypse around is the third adam" "Third adam? Eji questioned "Yes" third Adam born of half human and half gods who will become a beacon of hope for humanity to bring down a demonking. What's that name again ooo, historia hits her head, “Deus", Demon King "Deus". Eji surprised "deus" I was taught about it in school but i thought it was just a myth". "You think so" historia looks at him, so can you explain the relic dungeons across the world full of demon lords, can you explain the phenomenon concerning god tiers, deities and other related paranormal activities happening especially In Benin metropolis. Those towers are time bombs waiting to explode in the future, exorcist has tried to venture into the towers defeating those things called demon, and exorcist association was the balancing scale between human and those demons. at the time the intense conversation between historia and eji in the living room was going on, Vivian sat down in the chair, listening as things becomes more clearer to why his mana was of two different types, one was golden pure mana energy and the other was a devilish Dark's energy that was going to consume and corrupt her pure white mana if she came close. Eji is not a demon and not a human, then what then is he. She reason while the duo continues in their discussions. "What is the difference between demon lord and a demon king?" eji question "Demon lords are like landlord of a host, a dungeon etc. They are appointed by demons kings who is king over them, the Demon lords usually has a quarter to fill In, like number of souls they kill and all. Demon lord are crazy strong, usually after your training at the exorcist academy, you will be placed at a life threatening position, you are to choose a dungeon across the world and venture into the dungeon and either dominate it or socialize with the God tier relics. "Relic? Eji raised an eyebrow "Yes they are called relics, the dungeon has demons, you have to beat it and meet the god tier, not many dungeon has God tier , a fallen angel locked among the demons, but being the oldest, exorcist has a method to pinpoint which dungeon has a god tier". *************** I want to thank everyone who read my work and encourage me by commenting. I have grown exponentially in writing. so I have decided to work on this novel again to the end correcting some grammar errors and update it. i have two works going on now on ringdom which are FINAL QUEST APOCALYPSE with over 100, 000word count on going and my latest one which I am excited to write similar to this story but different. LUCIFER DEATH GAME @ONLINE. The novels are contracted and I will work on this classroom of death from August. thank you so much for reading. please follow me up by reading others while i work on classroom of death

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