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The alarm beep continuously, the c**k kept crowing for day break, Eji slowly opened his eyes WAKE UP WAKE WAKE WAAAKEEEE UP Eji opens his eyes wide open, to his amazement A beautiful girl with twin braided hair, sharp pair of eyes, her pupils gleam bright white light, she was 6 and a half feet tall, she was on a glowing white garment, with medium white wings in her back, the wings was tall reaching her shoulders, she was hitting a baseball bat into her palm with intimidating look as if a punk was preparing to beat a weakly. She was floating in midair in Eji room facing him who was just waking up. Her eyes gleam bright light as she glared at Eji. Eji screamed quickly jumping to the corner of his bed before calming down. “Vivian? He questioned SO YOU FINALLY CALLED MY NAME, YOU HAVE TO GO TO SLEEP NOW, AS IN RIGHT NOW “Wait wait wait” eji stretch his hand, “I just woke up” Vivian came very close and SLAMMED She slam the baseball bat at Eji, she put on a serious look, Eji collapses. OH NICE, VIVIAN SMILE, I GUESS AM ENJOYING THE HITS ON HIM THIS DAYS Eji soon got up, I don't want to sleep, I just woke up “Huh” Vivian surprise. SLAMMED! She hits the baseball bat again but Ejiro was stubborn to sleep. SO STUBBORN, WHY IS HE SO STUBBORN, Vivian continue to hit Eji head, who was now use to the baseball hits and still refuse to sleep. In anger, Vivian used her special TRICK SLAM HAAAMMER The baseball bat turns to a sledge hammer and finally knocked him out, in a dream, Eji saw a boy in king crest uniform ,short black hair, pale face with a dark red eyes holding a knife, the light shone bright from his back looking at eji and Christabel, “It is your fault, you should have being the one that's died not Miyu, am going to correct this”, the next thing Eji saw was Christabel thrown out from the third floor of the school window as ejiro trapped screams out. Eji squeezes his eyes open with a teardrop falling door his chin, he looked and saw Vivian sited holding an upgraded hitting weapon sledge hammer “You not going to hit me with that are you”, Eji questioned IF YOU BEHAVE, Vivian spirit float in midair in the room towards Eji “What are you”, eji question A GOOD SPIRIT, ARENT YOU GOING TO SAVE CHRISTABEL Nope, eji replied, the dream shows that I was on my school uniform, Christy and I was in school, so that means it's going to happen when we resume school. SMART, I THOUGHT YOU WERE JUST A DUMB LOVER BOY NO BRAIN Eji, “you want to start something” he pose a serious face when he remembered the sledge hammer Vivian was holding. She hits the sledge hammer in an intimating way in her hands “Did your power change because you changed your weapons, how come I see dreams longer than the time the event”? WELL IT WAS I BECAUSE I MATERIALISE WITH YOUR SPIRIT MANA, MY MUN AND MY SISTER EXIST CAUSE OF THEIR REVENGE AND THE DEMON GAVE HIS DARK MANA TO STABILIZED THEM, ON THE OTHER HAND, I WAS IN THE GHOST STATE INVISIBIBLE AND WHEN YOU CALL MY NAME, YOU HAVE GIVEN ME THE PERMISSION TO SOCIALIZE WITH YOUR SPIRIT MANA THAT REST WITHIN YOU “What’s is mana?” he questioned. U WONT UNDERSTAND, YOU HAVE TO EXPERIENCE IT IN BATTLE YOUR SELF, LET JUST CALLED IT MAGIC THAT RESIDES IN HUMAN SPIRIT, SOME ARE STRONG WHY SOME ARE WEAK. She answers as she continuously floats in midair in Eji’s room. Eji thought to himself remembering his teacher’s word as regards to control of demon, you control them either by sociality or dominance. He also the dark smoke coming of the urban ghost. SO WHAT DO YOU INTEND TO DO FROM NOW NO TO TACKLE MY MOTHER VIVIAN QUESTIONED Well first I have to search for my father's silver sword and meet up with the S. P. P. D and the find an exorcist and then head to the abandoned school and finished it once and for all SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN TO ME BUT WE GOT A PROBLEM And you Ejiro question I PLAN ON STICKING WITH YOU WITH MY SLEGDE HAMMER UNTIL MY THE GHOST CASE IS SOLVE. Eji frown, “do you have to hit me with a weapon to fall asleep? NO VIVIAN REPLIED, IT’S JUST FUN “What? Eji reacted HAHAHAHA, IT WAS BECAUSE YOU WERE STUBBORN TO SLEEP WHEN I TRIED MY BEST TO SHOW YOU DREAMS, The duo talked for while then looked for the sword during weekend but no luck. 
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